Copy Girl - Megaman inspired platformer

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10 Retro songs ideal for platformers or farming games
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    A group of robots is infected by a powerful virus that causes them to go mayhem! The blame is put on you, Copy, and now it's your job to capture them and stop the virus.


    Copy Girl follows the base mechanics of a Mega Man game, while innovating whenever possible.

    There are 8 levels and bosses, and you get a new weapon from defeating each boss.

    Bosses, Levels and Weapons

    Located in an old chemical plant, Stain's guided by some kind of twisted perception of beauty. His paint smells like trouble, so be careful.

    His weapon:

    Ink Bubble: Fires corrosive blobs of paint that bounce on walls, reaching into every nook and cranny.

    Fuze has taken a big chunk of the city as her own domain. Now the highways aren't safe anymore, as she and her gang ride at full throttle, blasting their music for anyone crazy enough to come near.

    Her weapon:

    Sound Barrier: Creates a sound wave that echoes off obstacles, increasing in power.

    A precious girl that appears to be very shy. She commands the creatures of the ocean, so it's better not to provoke her.

    Her weapon:

    Penta Pearl: Forms a rotating shield of pearls around you. It can be activated to reach targets in every direction.

    Little information is know on the other 5 bosses


    7Soul - designer and artist

    Tokinsom - programmer


    You know what? I like retro games, and I like Mega Man (can you tell?) So I decided to make a Mega Man clone.

    My intention is to take what was fun in those games (solid platforming and unique weapons) and improve it... according to what I think is an improvement! And this is:

    • Weapons are cool - All weapons will be useful in a number of situations, and the player can play around with them to overcome challenges.
    • No boss weakness - One of the things that sold Mega Man back then was the possibility to play any level in any order. Sounds great! But when comes down to it, it creates an underlying optimal order if you want to actually beat the boss. Having the optimal weapon created a huge difficulty drop. Here you'll choose the weapon based on your own strategy and on observing the boss' patterns. No weapon is required, but instead create a new way to approach the boss.
    • Exploration - Secret areas and different paths will contain many awesome collectibles, such as weapon upgrades and health increasing capsules. Playing levels in different order can open different paths, revealing new challenges.
    • Going fast - The game will have a number of challenge levels, where you can earn more in-game currency.
    • And more - !

    Gameplay video

  • Ooooh I like that. And I really want to see how you would make the co-op happen!

  • Whoa whoa whoa. This looks absolutely delicious. The pixel art is impeccable.

    As a fan of retro games as well....I can't wait to see more.

  • Awesome, love the artwork, nice and vibrant...

    Sure I've seen that octopus boss somewhere before??

    When can we play it?...

  • Your doing a great job so far.

  • Awesome, love the artwork, nice and vibrant...

    Sure I've seen that octopus boss somewhere before??

    When can we play it?...

    Maybe you saw it here

    I don't have an estimate for an alpha :/

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  • Yep, that's it..Cool character...

  • _

  • Wow, that looks seriously cool.

    Does your graphics style obey the restrictions of a real arcade/console/homecomputer antique, or is it "just" style? (looks great anyway!)

  • Wow, that looks seriously cool.

    Does your graphics style obey the restrictions of a real arcade/console/homecomputer antique, or is it "just" style? (looks great anyway!)

    For the most part, yes.

    For instance, I just made this sprite:

    It uses 2 palettes.

    The first is: white, pink, black, transparent

    The second is: white, yellow, black, transparent

    For the first frame, the pink and yellow palettes are limited to separate 8x8 tiles. But then when I animated it I ignored that limitation for better aesthetics

    I made a lot of research back when I started this project for the NESJam

  • [quote:xyk1pja6]But then when I animated it I ignored that limitation for better aesthetics

    I think we can let that slip

    Be sure to keep posting updates!

  • love te style and the gameplay =D

  • 7Soul beautiful!!!!!

  • Awesome! Instant mental warp to NES days! This project is looking great, and looks to be a lot of fun filled action, much like the series from back then.

    Will this be level oriented or more free roam like some of the newer mega man type games?

  • This looks great! I know that isn't very constructive... haha but still. Great job!

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