Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • I'm with Shinkan and Irbis on this one. Each property SHOULD have an action/condition/expression to go along with it so it can be manipulated at runtime. It's common sense.

    Though honestly I think behaviors should be completely dropped from C2 because

    -They can be made with events

    -Would be far more customizable

    -Would teach the user how to code better

    -Would clear up numerous bug reports and beginner topics

    -Would save Ashley a lot of time.

    buuut I doubt that will ever happen so whatever..back on topic..

  • The Iconoclasts has been in development for over twice as long as Construct 2 itself has, so of course there isn't anything like it right now. Also, not all C2 games can be found here on the forums...

    As for other engines...from my experience GM:S is buggy as hell and has tons of conflicting documentation, Fusion 2.5 is actually more powerful than C2 in many regards but is absolutely riddled with poor design choices, and, well, Unity is in another league, really.

  • +1. A way to "pick up" or copy/paste tiles is definitely needed. Same for shifting tiles because you have to resize the tilemap canvas along with the layout which can potentially screw up the whole thing.

  • All you can do is use the color replace shader and change the parameters with code. Unless there's a 3rd party plugin that can retrieve the color of a pixel - then you can use a palette image and offset variables instead of typing them out.

  • Downscaling quality doesn't seem to matter here - they are warped no matter what.

  • This has been brought up a million times and there has never really been a definitive solution. We desperately need some more options here! Ideally we could do something like...

    +If Instance (with value of x) collides with Instance (with value of y)

    -Pick Instance (with value of x) and do this

    -Pick Instance (with value of y) and do that

    You might be able to pull it off with functions or something but eh...good luck.

  • In CC I would do this by creating a pallete image/object and using the Image Manipulator to pick up the colors of pixels + offsets, then apply them to an object via color replace shader. C2 doesn't have an image manipulator though so you'll have to input the color indexes manually...which probably isn't worth the trouble.

  • Eh it sounds like something that would have to be built into C2. Here is how I handle metroidvanias (overview in the video description)

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  • This is a "basic" Metroid: Zero Mission engine I developed as a base for an original title, and to see if a metroidvania could be built in Construct 2 without a custom/external editor, dynamic room loading, culling, 3rd party plugins, etc. Sure can! There is an overview in the video description for those who are interested in doing something similar.

  • If you're going for a metroidvania like SM then you just have to treat individual layouts as rooms and learn how to use the persist behavior & global objects. It's not that hard, really...just not a very good way of going about it. You don't really have a choice with C2 though.

  • This is honestly the best C2 game I've played. Great music, level design, gameplay, well polished. Very impressive for only 3 days. Great job guys

  • None. All I want to see is the improvement and elaboration of existing features. There are so many things that barely pass as finished.

  • This is redonk. Should just be able to store multiple named images in a single TiledBG. Same for tilemaps...

  • I learned it in a MMF tutorial years ago. There are probably more sensible ways of doing it but whatever, it works. The idea is that even though the bullet is moving, say, 5px per tick, collisions are being checked for each pixel it moves.

  • (Pixel perfect or instant-hit bullets)

    +Bullet.count > 0

    +For "" from 0 to 5

    -Move Bullet 60*dt in angle of Bullet

    +On loop ""

    +Bullet collides with solid

    -Destroy bullet