Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • I meant they inherit the tiles placed on the canvas, not the tilemap image. Since the default instance has no tiles placed, then all new instances should be blank as well.

  • Is this still in development? Haven't seen any updates in a while :<

  • Bump for justice.

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  • The whole .tmx implementation is whack in my opinion...don't really care to use it.

    edit: I forgot you can resize the eraser which makes wiping out the tiles of the previous instance pretty quick and easy...would still be nice to not have to do it though ^^; Seems like an easy fix, right?

  • Every time a tilemap instance is added to the layout it inherits the tiles (I mean the tiles placed on the canvas, not the tilemap image) from the previous instance instead of the default instance, which in my case is blank. Because of this you have to either erase every tile from each new instance, or track down and copy/paste the default blank one.

    Any chance this can be fixed for the next build?

    On that note, shouldn't objects have a "make default instance" button for new instances to inherit their properties from? Using the very first instance ever placed is...troublesome.

  • Sprite object w/ bullet behavior & bounce actions are all ya need.

  • I just add a lowercase e to the beginning of event sheets, but an icon would be nice too. What'd really be nice is if layout and event tabs were layouts on the left side and event sheets on the right. Tabs can be messy as they are now.

  • "Reload from source" does sound handy but will still require the artist to notify the programmer of changes, and the programmer to open the whole project, track down the object, open the animation, and click it, correct? Not that much of an improvement honestly..

  • I love how someone will say the templates/examples included with C2 don't run well on mobile devices and you guys blame him for not optimizing them. They are more or less stripped to the bone already.

    Sure, mobile games need far more optimization than their PC counterparts, but the point they are trying to make is the exact project will run 100 times faster in, say, Unity or Cocos2D or something.

  • What? No. You buy one license and that's that.

  • Nope. I upgraded from an ~8 year old western digital hd to a samsung 840 pro ssd not too long ago and there is no noticeable difference in preview time. Export, save, and load times are better though.

  • Kinda depends on the game..I've got some 3 year old projects that run just fine and others that are completely wasted now. But imo C2 will never be truly stable as it relies too heavily on 3rd parties. For example NodeWebkit/Chrome and browsers are constantly changing and so are your games as a result, so there's a good chance you'll never even know about it unless there's a fuss on these forums somewhere.

  • Mulletfingers999 Sorry, this is really old and I no longer have any of the files.

  • ]

    Bumper's Quest Preview 3

  • This is hardly a "complex" platforming mechanic and does not require a whole new behavior...

    +Player is jumping

    +Jump key is not being held

    -Set object.platform.vectorY to 0

    ...or instead of 0 divide the current vectorY. Either will "cut" the jump when you release the button and give you a variable jump height just like megaman and so on.