Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • Yeah, it's essentially copy/paste. Some tile editors actually have you use a 'pointer tool' and ctrl+c / ctrl+v which is awful, so I refer to it as "picking up" instead. If you've used Tiled before, it's the same as right click + dragging.

    Most tilesets are arranged in a way that saves the most space and groups certain tiles together, but specific patterns/structures have to be created yourself on the map. Right now you have to recreate each one by hand, tile-by-tile. With this feature you can do that once, "pick up" the whole thing, and place a duplicate elsewhere. You can also do this with smaller patterns and such to speed things up.

    I guess there just aren't many people using the tilemap object or else this would be a very commonly requested feature :T

  • Ashley I would like to request for the bazillionth time that we get a multi-tile-pickup in addition to the single-tile-pickup that was added a few releases ago. We have been needing this since the day the tilemap object was added over a year ago. As I've said before it will...

    -Drastically increase production speed by allowing us to reuse laid out tile patterns no matter the size or complexity.

    -Let us rotate/flip/mirror said tile patterns.

    -Allow us to shift large portions of tiles as needed.

    Please and thank you. Good day. Cheers.

  • If I understand correctly you want to do something like this:

    -Set object x to 10 + random(10)

    -Set object y to 20 + random(20)

    This will create an object in a "random zone" between 10 and 20 on the x axis, and 20 and 40 on the y axis.

  • Today we finished our first mini-boss, Cython. (working name..?)

    You can chip away at his body segments which makes him lighter and faster, ultimately revealing the cores to do real damage.

    Not the craziest miniboss out there but it was great practice and I finally got the whole boss state thing finished. Only ~15 more to go! O_o;

  • That uh...never occurred to me...I use functions with UID params all the time, too. Bah! Still a workaround but ultimately cleaner than my Units method. I'll give it a shot!

  • A while back I started putting all behaviors I want my objects to use in a "Behaviors" family. This way, I only have to code interaction with things like treadmills, springs, water, surface modifiers, etc. a single time, I'll only have one set of variables to mess with, and I'll have significantly more control over their behaviors as a whole. Frankly I think it's stupid to not do this or else you'll have tons of duplicated events with different objects.

    So let's say I want to add some enemies. I can make a new "Enemies" family and put my enemy objects in both the "Behaviors" and "Enemies" family. Now they interact with all the level objects my player does, and my player can interact with them as it should. Again, with only 1 set of events.

    But now...Let's say I want to disable an enemy's behavior, or change its behaviors' properties when it's damaged / had a spell cast on it. This is impossible because the two families the enemy is part of cannot 'communicate' with each other! I can't do something like:


    ENEMIES.hurt = 1


    ENEMIES platform behavior

    (because the platform behavior belongs to the "Behaviors" family, not the "Enemies" family...but the object is in both, so...what the hell?)

    So...what I've resorted to doing is making a "Units" family instead of a "Behaviors" family...and giving it extra variables to decide if an object in the family is an enemy, boss, etc. Problem with that is there's a TON of baggage - many objects in the "Units" family inherit dozens of variables and behaviors when they only need a few of them. For example, I want to put collectibles in my "Units" family so they interact with level objects and such - but now they have all the variables and properties that enemies do. I also get lots of conflicts (i.e. an object with Boss=1 also needs to have Enemies=1 so it interacts with the player properly. However, bosses and enemies work differently in some cases and can only be one or the other.)

    So I dunno. Anyone have a better way of handling this or do we just have to wait until C3 and (hopefully) proper inheritance?

  • You just have to calculate the size of the border and add it to the final window size. Set 2 global vars to the native resolution, then subtract that from the retrieved window size.

  • There's the C2 Data Manager app in the store but honestly I found it to be kind of disappointing. Alternatively you can learn the structure of dictionaries and modify them with notepad / notepad++. Sounds crazy but it's really not that bad.

    Aside from that. "Maybe for C3"

  • Ask and ye shall receive... 3 months later *ahem*

    We also posted a little gameplay preview

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    but it's already outdated!

    And some new concept art!

    (Fuze The Rocker)

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  • R0J0hound As usual R0j0 saves the day. Thanks man

  • I have an enemy that teleports around the player and shoots a bullet at you using angle(x1,y1,x2,y2). However, I want to limit the angle to -80 and +80 of the enemy's current angle so it's always shooting outwards / the bullet never overlaps the enemy itself, which I'm using clamp() for. This causes some problems because of the way angles work...i.e. if the enemy's angle is 270 (upwards) and the player is to the bottom left of it, it'll actually shoot as far to the right as it can instead of the left.

    Any idea what to do about that? I remember MMF having an extension for this very thing...

  • DatapawWolf Not entirely sure what you're expecting, really ^^: They're just tiles after all. One interesting thing you can do is pin tilemap objects to solids for moving platforms and such. So that's kinda cool. There are tutorials on animated tiles too but I just use sprite objects for that. As for can select tilemaps from the z-order bar. I prefer to keep each type in its own layer though (graphical tiles, collision tiles, terrain type tiles, etc).

  • This must be what we get for watching The Interview.

  • Ruskul I know man. We have 10+ very large 8x8-tile-based levels to build and it's incredibly tedious without being able to right-click + drag to copy/pickup numerous tiles. This one little feature will save us a whooooole lot of time and trouble.

    Anyway, to pick up a single tile right now you hold shift then right click.

    C2 has lots of "hidden" hotkeys like this. Not sure how many are in the manual though; I haven't had to read it in a long time.

  • Eh. Might see something like this for C3 as a 3rd party addon. As for C2 you might just have to use Tiled / your own system with sprite objects.

    I gotta say, it's pretty amazing how many 2D engines skip right past so many fundamental features. Construct came out ~7 years ago and we just recently got orthogonal tilemaps. Clickteam's been around for over 15 years and their engines never got them at all. Sadly, with so many people targeting chintzy mobile games and such, or simply not knowing any better, nothing is ever done about it.