Eh, I'm on the fence about it and don't think it'll happen anyway.
"How would this benefit the C2 community?"
If people want to see what C2 can do they can look a little harder. There are numerous good looking C2 games on Steam / Greenlight, and many more still in development. I dunno why it has to be said so much but most "real / serious / large-scale/ high-quality" games that would fully utilize C2 take as long if not longer to make than C2 has even existed. They would've had to begin development when C2 was still bare bones! Anyway..a lack of good games is not the problem; its getting the existing ones running properly on all systems and platforms.
"How might this help Scirra?"
Far as I know Ashley is well aware of all the problems we face using C2. He just can't do much if anything about them and so continues to target those who don't know better until things get sorted out. What options does he have at this point, really? It's clear that native exporters aren't happening, and it's too late to ditch HTML5/JS.
saiyadjin It's "The Next Penelope". I made that same mistake earlier for some reason lol.