Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • What would be the best way to prevent two or more of the same sounds from playing at exactly the same time, thus multiplying the volume? i.e. two enemies fire a bullet at the same time. I tried only playing the sound if its tag wasn't playing, but that didn't work.

  • You've got a point. I figure C3 will be out in less than a year though. I don't think C2 can survive on such tiny updates for 2-3 years. By then Fusion 3, GM:S 2, and others will have taken over.

  • Just preview the game, move it to the desired monitor/position, and minimize or unfocus it when you're done testing. The next time you preview the game, the window will be restored as it was. You'll also get slightly faster preview times this way. Make sure to have "run while minimized" or whatever unchecked in the project properties though.

  • Yep. In one hand I'd prefer it not be backwards compatible so we can get the fundamental improvements mentioned in the 500 threads we have on the subject. In the other, I'm working on a large scale project that likely won't be finished before C3, so I'd like to port it over.


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  • Back when I was working on Dethlands, we loaded levels from .tmx files based on 2 dictionary keys "world" and "level". I remember getting all kinds of music bugs when dying/restarting a layout, or restarting the layout to load a new level. Maybe the same thing is going on here.

    Unfortunately all I remember doing was adding more variables and conditions...ended up with something that worked. I'll take a look later but I haven't opened the project in over a year :T

  • Ruskul YEP....I've brought up the copy/paste tiles feature a dozen times since. Ashley finally added it a few builds ago...for one single tile. I mentioned copy/pasting groups of tiles and he said he'd see what he can do. That was about 2 months ago. Meanwhile our game's levels remain largely unfinished and simplified.

  • now that we (finally) have that established, is there any way this can be added, Ashley?

  • Yeah, use SVN. Ashley's tutorial on it could use some revision though...

  • Nesteris These guys have been using GM for like 10 years and the game went through a number of iterations over the course of many years, it seems. Just sayin.

    Anyway, not much to learn from it but I enjoyed the watch.

  • Bump.

  • Ha! Well David Clark (programmer for Ori) was the other programmer for Construct Classic iirc, so it'd make sense for them to do some prototypes or whatever with it.

  • Yeah it'd be pretty cool if it ran in NW.js. We could maybe get live previewing akin to Unity and everything in-editor would be more accurate to the final product, among others.

  • Tested this on my desktop and I'm somehow getting the same bug :T My teammate says he's not getting it in the .capx above nor the actual game though. Oy...For the record, this is also happening with all my game objects, not just the player.

  • Eh, I'm on the fence about it and don't think it'll happen anyway.

    "How would this benefit the C2 community?"

    If people want to see what C2 can do they can look a little harder. There are numerous good looking C2 games on Steam / Greenlight, and many more still in development. I dunno why it has to be said so much but most "real / serious / large-scale/ high-quality" games that would fully utilize C2 take as long if not longer to make than C2 has even existed. They would've had to begin development when C2 was still bare bones! Anyway..a lack of good games is not the problem; its getting the existing ones running properly on all systems and platforms.

    "How might this help Scirra?"

    Far as I know Ashley is well aware of all the problems we face using C2. He just can't do much if anything about them and so continues to target those who don't know better until things get sorted out. What options does he have at this point, really? It's clear that native exporters aren't happening, and it's too late to ditch HTML5/JS.

    saiyadjin It's "The Next Penelope". I made that same mistake earlier for some reason lol.

  • Nesteris I get your points but you have to consider that GM is like 15 years old and many of the popular games made in it were by veterans. Having lots of games for it doesn't mean it isn't still buggy and obtuse. MMF2 is considered one of the most antiquated and poorly designed engines out there by some, yet it still has a lot of successful and popular games and even more on the way. Also, C2 has more games than you think. A few are even doing well on Steam. Either way, Unity is ultimately superior to all of em so anyone looking to jump ship is probably better off with that.