Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • rexrainbow I noticed that the MoveTo's retrievable "Moving Angle" is not independent to the behavior. For example, if I use the MoveTo and Sine behaviors together, the movement from the Sine behavior changes the MoveTo's Moving Angle. I assume you're just getting the angle between the object's current position and previous position for this. Can it be fixed/changed? Or do you have a workaround?

  • This is literally one of the easiest things you could possibly code yourself O_o;;

  • You select the event sheet that's attached to the layout in the layout properties panel, if that's what you mean. Aside from that there are only event sheet includes.

  • Yeah we had Dethlands at SXSW and smaller conventions (I didn't attend them myself, though). Honestly I don't think they're that important. With this thing called the world wide web you can get feedback from thousands of people in a fraction of the time

    I guess it's fun to see people playing your game..but there are also LP videos for that!

  • Only 1 sheet can be tied to a layout. However, you can include sheets in other sheets.

    So make a primary sheet like "eGameStuff" and then, while it's open, right-click empty space and include other sheets like "ePlayer" or "eEnemies".

    Manual entry on event sheet includes

  • +1 At the very least for organization/management. I've got layers for backgrounds, objects, overlays, triggers, zones, HUD, and then global for pause menus and options. Would be nice to be able to toggle visibility or lock all a whole group in one click or target a whole group at runtime.

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  • No need. You can use something like

    +Object is NOT overlapping solid at offset: Object.Width, 4

    -Turn object around

  • Thanks man I'll try it out soon

  • Well yeah.

  • How can I get an object using the platform behavior to jump to a specific position? i.e. an enemy jumps from right side of the screen to the left or jumps from the right or left side to the middle.

    There's a parabola example around here somewhere that can do this well, but I just wanted to see if it can be done with the platform behavior and minimal variables because I'll be using it often and with a number of different objects.

  • We're talking about 2 different things. I was referring to loading Tiled's tileset layers (with multiple tilesets each) into C2's tilemap objects via the TMX Importer at runtime. The TMX Importer was designed to use sprite objects acting as tiles, so it doesn't provide the necessary features to use tilemap objects instead. On that note, using sprites acting as tiles is horribly inefficient and hard to manage, so if you ask me, the TMX Importer should be canned.

    You're talking about importing .tmx layers into tilemap objects in the editor. While that is a solution, it is a really awful workflow when you have many tilemap objects + other objects, zones, triggers, etc. in the layout that you have to account for. Again, it is merely a temporary workaround as far as I'm concerned.

    Now...You might be able to load tile layers properly during runtime via XML or something, but that still doesn't justify switching to Tiled. You'll sacrifice everything C2's layout editor has to offer and have to hard-code every single objects' creation and properties, among other things. There's a lot of baggage. It's too late to do that for our game anyway; we're over 9 months in.

    Besides, Ashley is almost done with this feature. We already have a single-tile pickup. I'm simply asking he also allow us to pick up multiple tiles with a marquee selection.

  • .....ok? I think you're completely missing the point here.

  • I really don't want to derail this thread with Tiled discussions (it's happened before) so I'll just say this: C2 does not provide all the functionality you need to properly utilize external editors like Tiled. Mostly because they often use "Tile Layers" which utilize multiple tilemaps each, whereas C2 only has "Tilemap Objects" that utilize a single tilemap - There are fundamental differences that prevent them from working well together. You can sort of import .tmx files directly into C2's Tilemap objects, but this is a completely unacceptable workflow and merely a temporary workaround as far as I'm concerned. Even if C2 could properly use's kind of silly to sacrifice everything C2's layout editor offers for 1 feature, don't you think? C2's layout editor is vastly superior seeing as it's fully integrated and "WYSIWYG". If Ashley adds this one feature then I can't think of a single reason to use an external editor other than randomly/dynamically generated levels.

    I hope that settles that

  • Yeah there's a handful of new features it could have but I'm just trying to get what we NEED right now before it's too late!

    We already built one level for our game (320x240 res with 8x8 tiles) and it took over a month because we don't have this feature :<

  • I don't think he's building HTML5 games with that thing...