Toddler's Forum Posts

  • Thanks.

  • It is not in the manual.

    "Rate of fire

    The rate at which to trigger On shoot, when the turret has both acquired a target and rotated to point in the direction of the target."

    That is A LOT OF WORDS but ultimately didn't say that one thing that truly matters.

    What is the unit ?

    Seconds ? Milliseconds ?

  • Thank you

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  • Ha Ha Ha

    Thank you

  • This Sprite have a wrap behavior, I was expecting it to wrap.

    The layout and the window size is the same size and the "wrap to" has been set to "Viewport".

    This is easily replicatable.

  • Why enable/disable collision when you can just enable/disable the physics behavior for that object ?

    They seems to be doing the same thing.

    One option requires you to use a slower version of physics instead of Box2D asm.js so why not just disable the behavior ?

    What conditions require anyone to Disable the collision instead of just disabling the physics for that object altogether ?

  • Makes perfect sense, thank you Mr. Hack the Gibson

  • Pathfinding object have Find Path and On path found trigger, so why not an "on map regenerated trigger" ?

    The manual states that after a call to "Regenerate Obstacle map", one should add a "Wait" action to make sure map is updated.

    How do we know how long to wait ?

    Why not add an "Obstacle map regenerated" trigger like the "On path found" trigger that happens soon after the "Find path" function ?

  • How does the browser's On went online/offline works internally ?

    Does it constantly ping a certain site to make sure it is online offline ?

    What if that site itself is down ?

    "On back button", does detecting it prevent it from happening ?

  • Wait, that txt files arn't being downloaded during the initial loading during the HTML Logo progress bar thingy at the very beginning ?

    I know that music is not downloaded.

    Can I have a list of what things the initial loading actually loads ? lol


  • Description:

    Request Project File:

    You have to enter a Tag and File [Drop down list provided.]

    This basically allows you to download files inside your own project that you have imported into the Construct 2's IDE.

    This is so strange...isn't that the point of the Progress Bar at the beginning ?

    And if this is for Music ? The Audio object already have the "Preload/Preload(by name)" so...what are you downloading with this ?

  • So Aphrodite, it seems you would agree for performance reasons that we should add this also for consistency sake then




    While watching a position, the direction of travel in degrees relative to due north and speed in meters per second if available, else 0 of not available.

    What is a "due North" ? Do you mean a "true" north ?

    And since I am on the subject of Geolocation, can I assume that if I use "Request Location" instead of "Watch Location", after the first "On location update" triggers, the GPS chip will be released right ?

    Or do I have to still call "Stop watching" just in case resource wise ?


  • Yes eli0s, we both agree that OnMouseOver and OnMouseOut trigger is a logical and consistent step

  • I am documenting Construct 2's Touch feature and created this simple read out[Only works on phones]:

    Hope that helps.

    Can somebody do one for the Accelerometer ?

    There are read out for XYZ with gravity and XYZ with no gravity and I was like OMG whatever...