tipztv's Forum Posts

  • Okay, will try out your suggestions.

    Can you make a separate log in window for Windows Phone 8? It works okay, but the facebook, google, linked in do nothing other than bugging the game with a blank screen when they are clicked. If possible, can you remove those buttons?


  • austin: Is there a way to get the name of the current leaderboard? I can only find the fetchedleaderboardID in the plugin's expression.

  • Which Ipod do you use?

    On the Android side, I found my game runs at ~ 60 FPS on WP8, while it runs at ~20 FPS on Android. I'm using Lumia 820 and Galaxy SII, which are almost identical in hardware term.

  • Same thing happens in Windows 8

  • rexrainbow: Your plugin seems to work with WP8 device. I got the text changed when I change the date. However, when the date change from 6th to 7th, the number resets to 0 and start increasing from there. So 8th will be 1, 9th will be 2. That's still fine for me since I only want to implement the daily reward system to my game, but still wondering what's going on :)

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  • Well, I have answered my own question. It's quite easy. For anyone looking for this in the future:

    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="Transparent">

            <phone:WebBrowser x:Name="Browser"





                              NavigationFailed="Browser_NavigationFailed" />

            <adduplex:AdControl x:Name="adDuplexAd"

                        AppId="your app id" Margin="163,0,157,400" IsTest="True"



  • Hi all,

    Is there anyone here have experiences with visual studio? I'm trying to integrate AdDuplex to my game. Here is the except from their document:

    2. Add a namespace declaration to your Page





    3. Add AdControl to your page:


    <adduplex:AdControl x:Name="adDuplexAd"



    I have added the line in step 2 to the MainPage.xaml file, but I'm not sure where to put the ad control element since the layout root only contains the phone:WebBrowser.

    Thanks for helping me :)

  • It does not work for me too. Just tried the sample jump project, the phone just vibrate when I tilt it.

  • austin: You can probably test the plugin on the WP8 emmulator or I can test it for you if you want. It is a packed app, exported with C2 WP8 mode.

    I followed the Clay.io Windows 8 tutorial to get the plugin works on WP8, since they are all using VS studio and the structure of the projects are quite similar.

    In the game, the plugin works. I can see the leaderboard, messages which said the score is posted. The leaderboard is sized wrong though. All I can see is the leaderboard name.

    I cannot get the invite FB friends works. It just hang at the invite frined window, there's not pop up window or whatever. If you need screenshots, I can provide it via email.

  • Hi Austin,

    Is there anyway to change the size of the window to make it larger on Windows Phone? The modal window looks extremely small. In addition, I cannot invite Facebook friends to the game. Any solution?

  • My android device is Galaxy SII, running 4.1.2. My WP8 is Lumia 820. They have the same screen size, pretty much the same hardware specs

  • CocoonJS is not really optimized. From the same project, my game runs at above 55 FPS on Windows Phone 8, while I only get ~ 15 - 20 FPS on Android. That's pretty weird

  • What I have done so far:

    • Added the font to the exported project. Import it (furore.woff) to the project in Visual Studio 2012, at the root folder, set its Build Action to Content.
    • Added this to the index.html file:



                 font-family: 'furoreregular';

                 src: url('/furore.woff') format('woff');

                 font-weight: normal;

                 font-style: normal;



    • Include the offline.appcache to the project, open it and add this: furore.woff to tell the app to cache the font.

    Nothing works so far. Any help?

    Ashley: Can you help me out?

  • Hi all,

    My game uses web font for all of the text elements. When I run the game on Windows phone 8 device, the texts fall back to the default font in the system.

    I tried the sprite font plugin to display the web font, which seems to work, but a bit buggy and it is not being developed by the author anymore.

    I read somewhere that the font can be cached locally using appcache or something like that, but I'm not sure how to do it. Can someone points me to the right direction?


  • where is the "Text is" event? Is it under a different name? I cannot find it. When I click on the Text is event in the example, it opens the is between angel window