Tinimations's Forum Posts

  • hundredfold No I upgraded to the latest stable release that released yesterday.

    Hmm actually I'm not sure that works. When I tried to export with the node webkit I original had (which was also downloaded from scirra btw), I got directed towards the latest version.

    Seems like I'm not the only one experiencing issues?

    Edit: Hmm ok after some tests it doesn't seem to be as severe as I first feared. However I have gotten reports from testers that the version exported roughly 2 weeks ago runs siginificantly better than the one I exported today. I need to make some more tests to determine wether this is caused by some changes I've made to the game, or if it's changes made to construct/node webkit.

  • Hi, I just updated to the latest Node webkit exporter, and I seem to experience very bad performance compared to my previous exports. Just wondering if anyone has the same problem?


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  • C-7 Thanks dude!

  • Updating with a couple of screenshots, also if anyone's interested in testing the game. PM me and I can provide a demo!

  • Sharing another 2 WIP screenshots of Klang. Been a while now.

  • Oh seems like there's a slight misunderstanding. I don't want to just stream a sound file from an URL. I am opening the website blindhandicap.com in a seperate tab in the node webkit browser, and expecting to browse this website as if I was in chrome/firefox/opera. The website opens just fine, but when I click on any of the music on his site (that normally plays instantly in chrome) I get nothing in Node-webkit. It just loads infinitely.

    "Music" is just a sound tag. Not a variable. I will mute this tag when clicking on the button leading to the blind webside.

    Hope that clears it up a bit.

  • Hi. I'm currently finishing up a demo of my game for IGF, and at the end I have planned to link to my social media and the hub of my composer at http://www.blindhandicap.com/ Problem is when I access this site (and soundcloud) through node-webkit, the music won't stream. Any ideas on how I can fix this?

    I've included an attachment of event 4, which is the one leading to the desired site. It simply won't stream any music, even if the site itself works just fine.


  • ahr Ech

    I really like how this looks. Dig the Orange and green color mash-up!

  • First look on the extended parry mechanic. Also first WIP look of a certain boss fight.

  • Prototype of first boss fight and extension of the parry mechanic.

  • KaMiZoTo Haha Nice! Liked the voice acting and tone. If I'm to criticise anything I feel you can push the consistency a bit more in the art. The in-game art looks good, but I felt the close up arcade cabinet (which has a much more vector look to it) doesn't really fit in. Some of the fonts also broke the aesthetic a bit imo.

    Looking forward to more.

  • I guess you exported your game with Node-Webkit?

    So, I think in Construct 2 you see the memory usage only of your game (all the images, sounds), but when

    you actually run the game then the run-time (Node-Webkit) needs memory too, because in the end Node-Webkit is a special version of the Chrome browser. And it's not 3 instances of your game running, it's 3 threads of Chrome/Webkit.

    Thanks for the reply. Still not quite sure what the numbers really mean though. I would guess the thread of 25 mb is the " mainchrome thread" running. What I don't understand is the 300 mb and 600 mb. Is the 300 MB all the assets loaded in, and the 600 mb the memory consumption of the current active layout?

  • Hi. I have 2 pictures here. One of my construct 2 window showing expected download and memory use size, the other shows my actual memory usage in the task manager.



    I would really appreciate if someone can explain what happens behind the curtains. Why are there 3 instances of the game running, and why is the memory usage almost 3 times of the expected value? Anything I can do to get it closer to the expected 365mb of memory consumption?


  • Hi. I'm trying to clean up my project a bit in order to optimize loading times and memory usage, but I find it a bit cumbersome to scroll through hundreds of objects in my project to find which objects that truly drain the memory.

    Is there any way to highlight objects that rise above a certain threshold of for instance 20MB of memory? I would also appreciate if there's an easy way to see how much memory each specific asset is expected to take.

    Also, is there any way to see which layout that's the most demanding to run? Currently the task bar only highlights what the max memory usage is expected to be. Would make it easier to optimize if I knew which layout these numbers belonged to.


  • > Thanks. Well yes I've had a ton of issues with sync throughout development, though I like to think I've sorted out the biggest offenders by now. The biggest problem is actually ajax requests being very unstable to load in over prolonged preview sessions. So I've lost hours of load time on simply refreshing the preview to quality check certain aspects of the development.


    > There's two tricks I mostly resort to to ensure sync. The first is making sure every element in the game that's rythm based is using behaviours that doesn't get affected by the framerate. For instance the arrows prompts are bullets (though I've moved over to code my own behaviours on other aspects like the purple sonar).


    > The second and most important one is having a timer that keeps track of how long the track has progressed. Whenever there's a lagspike the action stops but the sound continues, making for a devestating off sync. However I set up an event tracking the delta time. If it reached ridicilously low levels the audio will seek back to the last tracked value. It works surprisingly well, though I'm not 100 % satisfied with it.


    When I was trying different methods for interactive music in the past, I tried a timer but knew that it was definitely possible for the timer itself to de-sync from the audio. I found using the audio file's playback position to be far more reliable. I didn't even realize it was reference-able for a while. But regardless, Klang is one of my most-anticipated C2 games!

    I've actually never been able to use the playback position as an expression. Any example on how to access it?

