Tinimations's Forum Posts

  • I see. I'll do some experiments with it. Bit of a bummer since I kinda need both the music and successful ajax requests at the same time. NIce to know though.

  • I checked it out and I like the concept. What I feel you have to work a lot on is the feeling of impact. The main character is a huge chunk of meat, but I currently don't feel that's reflected in the gameplay. Have you tried adding camera shakes for successful hits for instance? I also miss the option to strike while moving. Maybe have faster hits when standing still, and slower and more imprecise when running? Could make for some interesting gameplay.

    The artstyle is cool, though I want more exaggeration in well, everything. Since he's a hulk-ish axe weilder he needs more weight when walking, he should charge his axe far up in the air before striking etc. Hope you get to adress it at one point.

    Keep it up!

  • Thanks. Well yes I've had a ton of issues with sync throughout development, though I like to think I've sorted out the biggest offenders by now. The biggest problem is actually ajax requests being very unstable to load in over prolonged preview sessions. So I've lost hours of load time on simply refreshing the preview to quality check certain aspects of the development.

    There's two tricks I mostly resort to to ensure sync. The first is making sure every element in the game that's rythm based is using behaviours that doesn't get affected by the framerate. For instance the arrows prompts are bullets (though I've moved over to code my own behaviours on other aspects like the purple sonar).

    The second and most important one is having a timer that keeps track of how long the track has progressed. Whenever there's a lagspike the action stops but the sound continues, making for a devestating off sync. However I set up an event tracking the delta time. If it reached ridicilously low levels the audio will seek back to the last tracked value. It works surprisingly well, though I'm not 100 % satisfied with it.

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    I've been working on this project for about 4-6 months now, and I feel it's finally ready to be properly shared with the community. Klang is a rythm-platformer targeted for PC, Mac and Linux, and perhaps other next gen consoles if Construct 2 ever gets export support for those platforms.

    I will post news and material regarding the game in this thread, and I would really appreciate it if the community is interested in providing feedback during the development. As of writing this. I plan on spending about 10-12 more months full-time developing this project into something refined, and worthy of a release on platforms like steam amongst other marketplaces.

    Extended pitch:

    Klang is at its core an evolution of traditional rythm games. Where previous games in the genre has mostly focused on pressing buttons in correct timing with the music, Klang expands upon this with adding the flair of exploration and platforming.

    Klang is designed around the philosophy of merging dynamic world exploration with the

    adrenaline rush of becoming one with the music through acting upon audiovisual queues.

    Wanna playtest?:

    Great! I need a ton of you guys. Just PM me and I can give you access to the latest builds.

    Developer team:

    Klang is being developed by Tinimations Freelance, which is a 1-man developer located in Hamar, Norway. I do everything except for music and sound design, which is provided by the phenomenal EDM artist bLiNd. His website can be found here, where he has featured some of his latest work: http://www.blindhandicap.com/

    And that's it. Not a big team.

    Screenshots (updated 2_10_14):

    More stuff coming soon!

    Been a long time since I've poste anything here.

  • C-7 Thank you sir!

  • Thanks! Look at the video thread.

  • New screenshots of my game project "Klang". Will soon make a more detailed forum post regarding its development.

    Hope you like!

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  • Decided to make a teaser of my game project. Will soon make a more substainable forum post regarding its development.

    Hope you like it!

  • I think any speed up from spritesheeting on preview would be more than offset by the time spent building the spritesheets. Previewing is local so there is virtually zero latency and unlimited bandwidth, so I doubt there is much extra cost from having to make extra HTTP requests, plus most browsers can decode images in parallel on all CPU cores.

    I'm not sure what you're seeing when you talk about slow preview: if you're seeing a progress bar in the Construct 2 editor, then it's most likely building the JSON data for the project, but if you're seeing a progress bar in the browser itself, then it's most likely downloading and decoding images (as well as sounds if you have 'preload sounds' enabled).

    I find Node-webkit specifically can take a couple of seconds to start up, and you can avoid that by treating it like a browser - leave it open and press preview again in C2, and it will refresh the same instance of node-webkit rather than starting a new process.

    I'm referring to the browser loading yeah. Main reason why I'm addressing the image decoding. Webkit and Chrome are both very slow decoding images. Firefox usually gets it done much quicker, but I often encounter firefox freezing consistently for around 15 seconds shortly after booting up before straightening up. Not sure if it's some kind of image loading delay?

  • Construct 2 does not build spritesheets on preview, only export. So you can rest assured the time spent building spritesheets when pressing preview is exactly zero.

    Seems to be a slight misunderstanding. If we say I have 100 frames of animation as 100 individual images. Wouldn't that take longer to load in preview than 10 sprite sheets containing 100 frames in total? I would imagine it speeding loading up if there's a ton of image loading requests on boot up?

    If this is not the case, what are the most dominant factors that make loading in a compiled build (node webkit) that much faster than preview?

    Hope you can clarify.

  • Well I really enjoy the user-friendly aproach of importing individual frames. As I export most my animations out of after effects as PNG sequences, making sprite sheets manually is just a hassle. However I would really like the possibility to get these frames turned into sheets while working in the editor. Too much precious time is lost loading the preview again and again.

  • I'm not the only one! *high five*

  • Yo. I've been wondering if it's possible for construct to bake sprite sheets for faster preview times before compiling the main build? Looking for options on how I can improve load times during preview.


  • Update: The ajax and music is also a problem on Opera. Just checked.

  • Hi. I think I've reported this issue before, but here goes.

    My game is designed around loading in information through Ajax pretty regularly accompanied with music. However my game has for a very long time been needlessly frustrating to test as Ajax and music streaming has proved to be extremely unstable in preview.

    The catch is this never happens when using FIrefox. Firefox always flawlessly loads both music and ajax requests (so I know my code ain't broken). Chrome & Node Webkit both consistently only get one batch of requests right, then refuses to load anything else for the rest of the session, forcing me to restart. This has been the case ever since the project began development well over a year ago, where I barely had any assets in the project.

    I've been using FIrefox for a while, but I find that Chrome & Node Webkit has much better performance in preview. However I can't really use them as the ajax and music doesn't load consistently.

    When compiled to node-webkit, everything also works smoothly

    I use windows 7 64-bit if that's any help.

    Any tips on how to get this to work would be very appreciated!