Tinimations's Forum Posts

  • Hmm after doing some digging I've managed to get the preview to boot if I write "http://localhost:50000" manually into a tab. However I cannot get it to boot directly by pressing the preview button inside construct. Also PNGcrush and PNG out instantly crashes even on a clean project with only 3 random images added.

    Any thoughts?

    Edit: Hmm actually the export was successful regardless of the PNG compression apparently crashing (Though it takes foreeeever).

    Actually I've tracked it down to it crashing once the compression's been completed. If I close all windows manually it completes the export. However as my project opens hundreds of these exporter windows I can't practially do anything...

    Edit: 2 Using the latest version released.

  • Hi. A weird problem just occured, which I haven't been able to fix. When I attempt to preview my game using either Firefox, Chrome or Node-Webkit nothing happens after Construct implies that the preview is "ready". None of the browsers open a new tab with the game, and Node-Webkit doesn't boot. This only happens with my own project however (clean project boots just fine), so I wonder if I've turned off some setting by hitting a hotkey combination by accident?

    I've tried rebooting the computer, didn't help. I would also like to add that I didn't add any new assets from the time it worked flawlessly earlier in the day, to now where nothing happens.

    Any ideas why it doesn't work?

    Edit: I just tried exporting the game to Node-Webkit. PNGcrush and PNGout crashes instantly. Is there a chance my image files have gotten corrupt somehow?

    Edit 2: Reloaded a backup of the project from some time back (which had no problems at the time I backed up). Didn't work either. Starting to suspect it's construct that's the problem and not my project.


    (Help me )

  • Thank you sir!

  • Hi. I'm currently setting up my boot up sequence for my game, and I'm wondering if there's a database with official construct 2 resources?

    I need a high res logo, preferably with a "powered by" text accompanied with it (kinda like how unreal engine does it). An animated logo would also be nice, as it would fit well with my own animated logos.


  • Will do.

  • Ize ah that explains it. I only recorded in 480p as a test. Does it have to be 1080p or does 720 do?

    Thanks! Might start promoting testing at the forum within a month or two. Need to get a playable package going without having to resort to the debugger.

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  • Ize

    I'm already using OBS. Easily got 60 fps recording, but I am struggling with getting youtube to accept the framerate. Youtube also compressed my videos to the point where I can barely look at them. Sorry if I phrased that poorly.

    The moments that indicates when something rythmspecific is going to happen is precalculated yes, but I can easily decide what spawns on the fly.

  • Alright super quick recording test. Everything runs in construct 2, even though this video shows it super compressed, at half size, and only 30 FPS.

    Anyone got any tips on getting super smooth recordings?

    Edit: Well I mainly mean how to get 60 FPS video to play at for instance youtube?

  • Yes I am very aware that I should look into optimizing the scenes soon. My aim is getting the game to run at 400-600mb of ram. I just need to cut down on the amount of animated environment assets, and find other more resource-friendly ways of making it look good.

  • Thanks!

  • Hi, I have a problem I can't find a good solution for.

    I have 4 identical objects scaling both in height and witdth at the exact same pace, but they were created at different times resulting in a difference in height. For this example I want the tallest object to be green, the "second" tallest to be red, and the 2 others to be orange.

    Any ideas to practically get this to work? Thanks.

  • Ashley

    As I haven't done a cleanup on a good amount of assets I'll scrap soon, the approx download size is 263 mb (but the size will still grow), and the memory use 945 mb.

    (Must stress that this game is designed for offline desktop computer play)

    A blank firefox with only the game running takes between 1-1,3gb of memory (sometimes 2,6gb if I start a preview while another one's in progress). Not sure if this is a result of me simply going overkill on a single level, or that I have done something wrong when assigning assets.

    In Firefox the game takes roughly 30 seconds to boot up if there are no issues.

  • Roccinio Yes. While it seems like the loading went faster, it was never able to boot. Stops halfway through, even when I increased the cache size.

    Too me Firefox has currently given off the best results. It always boots, even if the load times can be a bit long.

    Internet explorer is always either stuck looking for Localhost or it gets a red loading bar halfway through.

    Chrome and webkit are also very unstable. They manage to boot roughly 30 % of the time.

  • Well I have plenty of ram and GPU horsepower. My first generation core i7 might start to show its age though.

  • Ah I see. Just read it wrong then. Thanks for the insight. Might need to get a new CPU then.