Tinimations's Forum Posts

  • During preview I keep running into an error where once the preview's loaded, I'm met with an error message that the script "http://localhost:50000/Sprite_plugin.js:192" has crashed. I'm wondering if anyone has encountered this problem lately?

    I'm encountering this problem in Firefox. It doesn't seem to occur in chrome, though the preview takes roughly 30 times longer to load a preview (I timed it).

    It only happens occationally, but it also occurs often enough to make it a real problem.


  • alvarop Got a link o your ludum dare site? Can't rate it otherwise!

  • yeah agree. Took me a while just to figure out the theme...

  • http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-3 ... &uid=46347 Considering myself finished with this

    Kyatric Cool. Reminded me of Nidhogg.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • http://tinimations.net/OhYeah/ WIP of my game. F11 for fullscreen

    Avoid the bullets and pick up presents. Pretty straight forward really. Controls with arrow keyes. Hope you enjoy! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    WARNING: offensive language!

  • Good to see people participating. Working on a game as well atm!

  • Just tried this and it fixed all my performance issues. Thanks man!

  • Zathan Hard to say. My game doesn't boot up at all in explorer. I always get a red loading bar. Chrome is the browser that runs the best, though the loading times can vary from 1-10 minutes for every preview session. Firefox is the most stable. It boots fast and runs well apart from V sync issues and some jaggyness, and also the ajax requests essential for my game to work never fails...

    Edit: Though the V-sync is also present in chrome, despite running smooth.

  • TiAm Yeah I saw it. Good work! I will check it out if I need to export a new build before the issues are resolved.

  • Can confirm tons of jagging in Firefox! Tons of screen tearing as well, though that might be due to my GPU driver having V-sync issues as well.

  • Did a reformating of my computer yesterday and got all drivers up to date, and it's first now I truly understand what you folks mean with v-sync issues. HOLY S***. Even the construct 2 editor is incredibly jaggy.

    Edit: The editor jagging might be solely due to the GPU driver. People are reporting V-sync issues here as well, even outside of games.

  • Telyko Great news!

  • Glad I'm not the only one with this issue. I don't think it's just jaggyness at play though, the framerate genuinly drops. I did some test on my game and a couple of events dependent on the framerate staying above 30 broke the game in the newest webkit.

  • Hmm I see. Alright I did some more intensive tests and it definately runs worse. Still need to figure out if it's my changes or the webkit though... :/

  • sqiddster Do you have the opportunity to install it on a seperate computer or something to test? If you read the edit I just made to my previous post you can see that I still get it to run fine on my own computers. I still haven't been able to find out wether the reported bad performance from testers are caused due to me making changes to the game that makes it incompatible with hardware below a certain spec, or if it's construct/webkit.