Tinimations's Forum Posts

  • jobel Like silverforce is saying. Not having the option to unload assets and sound makes it impossible to make big games. Even if I did compress and reduce the file size somehow, I will still eventually hit a wall. That strategy is only viable if you're making a pea-sized game (that would still use more resources than necessary).

  • sqiddster Can you elaborate on how to monitor arrays? I don't use the array behaviour, but I've always had a feeling that I haven't fully grasped how the assets are loaded in, and that I might have done something wrong. Any documentation on global arrays that's never unloaded?

    It's a lot of sfx. They're not very long. Like between 0.5-2 seconds on avarage. It's just a lot of quantity, and up to almost 5 variations of every sound.

  • Ashley Sorry for a very late reply. I did some tests to see how much memory my sound effects actually use, and it's close to 400mb of ram when all's loaded in. Of course a lot of this space is sounds that isn't used at any given time. However these sounds represent maybe 1/3 of all the sfx that will be in the final game. I can't accept that 1,2gb will at any given time go to sound effects. I can make systems for making sure the right sounds are loaded in at any given time if I can unload all sounds when I choose. That way I can maybe make sure that the game doesn't use more than maybe 100-300mb of ram for sound at any given time.

    Also to address the issue as to what happens when the game use more than 3gb. Well the entire computer freezes until the memory values is sorted out, or it downright crashes (Used Firefox as it's only one process and have a tendency to duplicate memory use after several previews). Finding ways to prevent memory leaks within the game's planned launch of roughly 6 months from now will be crucial.

  • I guess I should experiment a bit with it. I got the impression that it only really affected the download size, and not necessarily the memory use? Still doesn't solve the issue with the audio never being unloaded though. :/

  • saiyadjin Can confirm that the downscaling was set to medium.

    I will stress though that I'm not outraging over how much ram my scene is taking, I'm trying to figure out why it just keeps growing. So far the sound seems the most plausible, as I have a lot of music and sfx which I often preload as it's about to be used. I also import all sound with max quality.

  • I've probably made around 5-10 threads total over frustration of not getting to complete grasp over how construct 2's memory works (Don't redirect me to the memory use blog please, I know the basics...). So I've documented how the memory use constantly rise as I'm playing through my game. I'm hoping someone can see what's going on, and give me some insight. I'm running the game in Node Webkit 32-bit.

    There's three processes running at once: One that never takes more than 15-30mb, one that keeps rising to infinity, and one last that seems to actually be dynamically discarding the assets it doesn't need. I'm getting more and more frustrated with this process that keeps growing. Why is this happening? I've provided images documenting the playthrough and the memory use.

    1. The title screen and first stage of the game. By default the stage takes around just shy of 800mb, and the other process takes 1gb. While excessive. i'm cool with this as long as the memory use doesn't exceed this. It runs really smooth even on older computers.

    2.Next stage takes slightly less memory on the third process. Not as many heavy assets here, though process 2 has risen almost 300mb.

    3. I make it to the demo's main event. It only takes around 400MB, but the second process has risen again...

    4. At the end of the demo. I use some heavy "look at the shiny stuff" kind of assets here, so the memory use is slightly bigger here than the previous level. The second process keeps rising.

    5. The end of the demo. This stage is just 1 big image, and the third process reflects this. Only a 100mb, that's nothing. However it's here I started figuring out the second process never clears its memory. It's the same 1.6 gb!

    6.I return back to the title screen. The memory use on the third is very close to the first image, but the third still takes 1.6 due to playing through the demo.

    7. Just to play around further I load one of the biggest layouts in the game. It adds another almost 200mb to the second process

    8. Again I load another layout, by far the most heavy. I've peaked 2gb on the second process...

    9. Aaaand the title screen takes 2gb now...

    This is gonna become a huge problem down the line. I'm severely limited on how I make my content due to this. The ram usage just keeps growing. Like a garbage collector that doesn't do its job! Any tips on how to clear this memory every once in a while? If this tumor of a process can't reduce its size every once in a while I will eventually hit a wall... I'm already reusing tons of assets between every stage, but I still see myself having issues with memory. The only theory I have as to why this happens, is that I introduce new music and sfx on every stage. I read this is never unloaded?

    Any tips is appreciated. I'm becoming somewhat desperate here...



  • Klang has been greenlit, and press is finally starting to write about it!

    http://www.polygon.com/2015/3/17/823544 ... ure-into-a

    http://www.siliconera.com/2015/03/05/kl ... ing-beats/

  • The greenlight campaign is 95% on its way tp the top 100! Woop woop!

  • http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =399150347 The game's finally up on greenlight! Any votes or comments would be massively appreciated!

  • You can decide for yourself wether it's high quality, but I'm making this game using C2.

    (Check in 60 FPS)

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  • Hi. I'm going to GDC in San Francisco next week. Just wondering if anyone on the forum or the Scirra crew will be heading out as well?



  • Booth nr. 1012. Just to come by and say hi.

  • Tinimations

    this should be gameplay grafik.

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    (cool light effects). I don't know why you not fight to learn scripting. I tried Shiva3D but now i better learn leadwerks and maybe later shiva3D and/or unity 5.

    C2 is good for fast prototyping <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile">

    Well yeah I'm definitely considering jumping over to 3D engines for future projects, though for my first real attempt at game design, I believe it's much better to simply show up with a finished product, rather than spending 2 extra years in development time simply learning how to program. I'll tackle it eventually though...

  • Ah sorry didn't that far...

    Look out for this game:

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    I'll be showcasing it with a laptop and xbox controller.

    Indeed. See ya tomorrow!

  • I'll be showcasing amongst the indie prize nominees.