Tinimations's Forum Posts

  • Problem Description

    I boot up the game which worked just fine in the latest stable release. However the latest stable update (212) breaks the preview immediately. The game doesn't even have time to boot before I get the error message:

    Javascript error!

    SyntaxError: let is a reserved identifier

    http://localhost:50000/video_plugin.js, line 469 (col 2)

    I opened another game project which didn't have a video plugin active and it ran just fine. The first boot after adding it however gave the same results.

    Attach a Capx

    https://docs.google.com/uc?authuser=0&i ... t=download

    Description of Capx

    It's a gamejam game I made in about 2 days with an added video instance to it. Remove the video and disable the debugger sheet and you have yourself a tidy little foul mouthed video game on your hands.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

      Open the project and preview using Firefox. Should end up immediately resulting in the error and crashing. Remove the video instance from the capx and preview again. Works just fine.

    Observed Result

    Already specified

    Expected Result

    Already specified

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (No)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (No)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 SP1

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Problem Description

    I need to use the local storage plugin in FireFox, but I keep getting the error message:

    Javascript error!


    http://localhost:50000/LocalStorage_plugin.js, line 13 (col 0)

    It works fine however in NW.js and Chrome preview

    Attach a Capx

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1n4Fd ... sp=sharing

    Description of Capx

    This capx allows you to clear storage with pressing "1". By pressing "2" you write two highscore files. Press F1 to restart the layout and see that the values have been loaded in and printed on the text objects.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

      Simply boot the capx in firefox preview. Nothing works.

    Observed Result

    I preview the capx in firefox and immediately get the error. The capx however works fine in Chrome and NW.js

    Expected Result

    I expect the local storage to successfully store the files and load them.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (NO)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 64 bit 6.1 build 7601

    Construct 2 Version ID

    r206 64-bit

  • ErekT I did some more tests. Turns out if I went to the nvidia control panel and turned on "Display GPU Activity Icon in Notification Area", followed by right clicking the NW.exe, chose "Run with graphics processor", and choosing the Nvidia card at the end. The control panel recognized the game, and performance dramatically improved.

    My game isn't an unoptimized piece of s*it after all!

    Edit: Though the renderdetail still return the intel card for some reason...

  • ErekT Doesn't seem to work for me. Same performance and renderdetail still returns my intergrated card.

    http://i.imgur.com/Tl1dScm.jpg I implemented the text like this. Not sure if it's correct?

    Edit: Just to foolproof that my geforce isn't being used, I disabled it to see how the intergrated card holds up. Exact same performance. The geforce isn't being used at all...

  • Colludium Yes I do. Why does it matter?

  • Colludium I did some more tests. It seems like my laptop is using the intergrated GPU instead of the Geforce 630M. The renderer's returned as WebGL, but the GPU in renderdetail is Angle (Intel(R) HD). I tried overriding the GPU in 3D settings on the control panel, but it doesn't seem to work... I'm using Node Webkit as well, which shouldn't be using the intergrated card to begin with?

  • I'm doing some performance tests on older computers and I occationally keep running into very jaggy performance. After a lot of testing I think it might be linked with the Fill rate, as the jaggy areas often have lots of sprites (with opacity and alpha) overlapping. I can't seem to find a good way to gather data on this though. I feel like I have no way of properly investigating what's the source of the bad performance.

    Any ideas?

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  • I am doing playtesting throughout the entire game I'm making. All layouts play smooth when I go straight to it from the main menu, however I've noticed slowdowns (or more like choppyness) when I play the game for more than 40 minutes (give or take 10 min), and play through it all chronologically. The first thing one would think is "oh it's obviously a memory leak", but I don't see any more memory use than normal in my task manager. I rarely stay on the same layout for more than 2-3 minutes at a time, and nothing carries over to the next layout apart from assets that's common between the two. I also tried making hotkeyes for every level and teleport quickly between them to quickly make sure all the assets in the game have been loaded in at some point, still runs smooth. It only really seems to happen after long playsessions.

    The worst part is that this seems to be happening completely at random. I've had playsessions on the same computer with the same builds where the slowdown occur. It feels very choppy, almost like an unstable vsync of sorts. Can anyone relate? I'm using the latest stable release of C2 with Node Webkit.


  • Well that's kind of a deal breaker for gamepad support...

  • My solution: USE FIREFOX!!! Oh and also make sure you got a fast CPU for crunching images for previewing. It can become a huge bottleneck in the long run otherwise.

  • Hi. I can't seem to find a way to activate the rumble feature in my controller? Any ideas how to pull this off?


  • It's a simple question. Loosing a lot of time on waiting for load times when I'm iterating on one almost empty level. Is it possible to enter some kind of debug mode that only loads in the assets of the targetet layout, and ignores the rest? It would speed my workflow up immensely. Could probably save a lot of memory as well.


  • I'm very well aware that one can easily see the expected memory use of the most heavy layout in the project, but I would like a way to see the expected memory use of any layout I choose. It will be easier to optimize that way. Is there any way to pull this off?


  • My game was streamed by HotSammy on twitch some days ago. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> Starts at 28:30


  • jobel The 400 MB (rough estimate, might be other factors weighing in that I can't trace) is all the sfx/sound currently in the game. If I had access to a system that erases unused assets/sound, that amount could easily be reduced to something much, much less. That is beneficial regardless of scope. No game, even AAA would be able to run on underpowered consoles like PS3 or 360 without being able to discard unused material. I'm not worried about my budget over what's loaded in at the same time, it's the fact what's loaded in is permanent that worries me.

    I'm sure I can optimize it more, but that's not what I'm reaching out about. My point is that I won't only have to reduce the scope without a way to regulate assets and sound, it will be completely crippled if the entire game has to be loaded into ram by the time the player reaches the end...

    I doubt other engines work this way.

    Also I hope that the topic won't derail too much. I opened it due to frustration of the memory use growing endlessly when jumping between layouts, not over optimization over individual assets. I get this bad feeling that some art assets are never unloaded, or stay in a cache of sorts that only cleans itself when the memory use reaches ridiculous levels.