thomasmahler's Forum Posts

  • Wohoho. Have i seen your work?

    Here's a thread with some screenshots:

  • My name's Thomas, i'm working as a cinematic artist over at Blizzard Entertaiment, but got interested in indie games about a year ago. And now I use Construct to create my own 2d game named 'Sein'.

    I like chocolate. And sundaes.

  • On a sidenote, setting the timescale doesn't seem to work in the latest build.

    Start of Layout - Set time scale to 0.5 doesn't do anything for me.

    EDIT: Crap, was just thinking about it. That timescale thing could be tied to my pause function, I think it was just an if / else thing and probably overrides the new timescale event.

    Having said that, wouldn't it be cool if we could somehow debug that? Like, create an 'overwritten' category in the debugger that'd list all the events that are overwritten by whatever other events. The more complex projects become, the harder it is to figure out all the nooks and crannies.

  • 54) Copying layouts should work. It'd be cool if you guys could add: RMB on layout -> Duplicate Layout.

    Currently, if I hold CTRL and click drag a layout, it completely screws up the projects numbering, so suddenly all the layouts are random. Very weird bug.

    55) More options for how 'write text' actually writes the text. What I really don't like about the current way is that if it has to write a longer word and it reaches the end of the textbox, it doesn't naturally split the word or whatever, but it starts writing it and then pops it into the next line, which makes for a really ugly effect. In general, text in Construct could need a lot more love.

    56) This is an important one: The 'Soft Light' Blending Mode from Photoshop is still missing in the effects. I use it on quite a lot of comps and sorta emulate it with Overlay and a lower opacity, but it's not quite the same effect. If you guys could implement Soft Light as a Pixel Shader... that'd be great

  • I've just been testing around with moBlur and while it worked pretty well in earlier layouts, now that everything is animated and there's a lot more stuff going on, even 5x moBlur slows down my highEnd machine considerably (from straight 60fps to 20-30fps).

    This is such an important effect, is that velocity buffer algorithm being integrated into Construct? I'd love to add the option for moBlur, but at the current state it's just too hardware consuming.

  • And whatever happens now in terms of the sites design, please don't change the forums at all. it has way too much useful information by now and it serves everyone as a tool to learn Construct. I've seen stuff like that (Site Redesign, Forum flush and refresh) way too many times and it'd be super disappointing not having access to that info anymore.

    Just in case... Don't even think about using new forum software, that always ends in tears and outbursts.

  • Importing 3D models are sprites is fine if you're into that kind of thing. Personally though, I find prerendered sprites rather ugly.

    I mean, they were the bees knees in 1994 with Donkey Kong Country but let's be honest here, it's not 1994 anymore. If you look at them now they look dated compared to 3D models that are actually rendered in real time.

    Whow, dude. I think it depends on how you render the models out - If you create a great 3d model and render it out with all the awesome lighting techinques we have today and animate the whole thing properly, you'd get good results. I think that method really helps standing the test of time, like:

    If I look at a lot of PS2 games today, most of the ingame models look like garbage to me, cause they were soooo limited in terms of technology (I'm pretty sure the same thing will apply 10 years from now looking back at this current generation), but if I look at something like Heart of Darkness - that style is sorta timeless. The animation was great and still holds up - Just the resolution itself was too low back then. But today, with 1080p and pre-rendered sprites... dude, that look could be freaking sick.

  • Nice one! Reminds me of Links Awakening, awesome style dude!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Smorebroed!

  • Voted! It has to win

  • i've been planning and implementing framwork stuff for a while now and 99.3 is the best, most stable version so far. You'll need to do the framework stuff anyway before the actual work starts, so just get it going.

  • Why not use Unity for creating a 3d game? Or any of the other 3d engines out there?

    It'd be neat if we could import 3d files with textures into Construct to create games like Klonoa or Final Fantasy Tactics or whatever, but I'd rather see it being way more polished for all the 2d games and expanding onto other platforms like the Mac or X360 before the devs take the app to a completely different level.

  • Can't wait for this, could be the solution to the ugly font rendering.

    In the meantime, I get good enough results from putting a smooth and a sharpen filter on my text - It's not perfect, but it's more pleasant to look at than the unfiltered text.

    The Smart Text Filter doesn't really do anything for me, dunno.

  • Motion Blur is nice, but it's really just a gimmick. It's not going to make the game any more fun if it's turned on, and it's way too intensive to be played by casual players. Most people get into indie games because they just want the core game play and originality witch was present in earlier eras. IMO most games these days care mostly about graphics and looking as hot as possible.. Just gimme a new n64 Zelda or Snes Mario and i'll probably be playing them a lot longer than Gears of War.. I'm not saying that I loathe all new games, just trying to get the point across that indie games are part of a completely separate universe in which I care nothing for high end graphics. Pixel art, 8 bit sounds and chiptunes ftw.

    Dude, it'd be nice if you'd let everyone decide on their own what styles and effects they're relying on to make their project come to life.

    I think your way of seeing things is really limited. I don't want to re-do the old games over and over again, I want to see '2d games' going through a revolution in terms of gameplay and visual styles.

    If you'd give me the N64 Zelda or the SNES Mario I'd gladly hand them back to you, cause I've played those games 10-20 years ago. That part of gaming is already history and we see too many remakes being done right now already anyway.

    I don't think that most gamers get into indie games because of the core gameplay that was presented to them 20 years ago, I think they're in for the innovation and because the chances that we see something completely new are rather high when we're talking about productions that cost under 200k to produce.

    Ash already summed it up nicely - MoBlur is a really important effect and is way more than just eye candy.

  • I suggest using my motion blur effect

    Where can I get your motion blur effect?