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  • 48: you're much better off doing a state machine. See flags below, only set the current state in a number, add the number as a condition to the events that can only happen in the current state. Change said state within the event.

    Well, that's exactly what I'm doing, I just tried to simplify the whole thing to make my point about timers clear. That it'd be really cool if we could create a timer and access and reset that specific timer after it's been created and run.

    The timer is necessary for a couple of things, mainly setting back gvs that then trigger actions again. I just wanna be able to extend the timers time after it's been created.

    [quote:29yhjtap]49: use flags. 1 to enable, 0 to disable.

    +On control "left"

    +global('movementEnabled) equals 1

    do stuff

    Ah, that's clever, yeah. Still, it'd be nice being able to have actions where we could deactivate keys until they're being activated again. Your solution will work, but it'll also mean that the 'movementEnabled' condition will have to be queued for every single control event.

    And if I only want to deactivate a specific button at a specific moment, I'll have to create a gv just for this one action, which is sorta inefficient.

  • 50) Add Post Processing Filters 'on top'.

    That'd be a cool thing to have. Like, during compositing, it's often helpful to add that last effect to your composition to give it that last little edge - like, a sharpen filter on top of everything to make the details come out.

    It'd be cool if we could have a layer that's put on top of the whole render and is being applied to everything in the scene during runtime. We'd still have to be able to specify where the post processing effects are active and where they should be inactive (like, you wouldn't need them in menus and stuff), but that'd be a great addition.

    51) Add 'Opacity' to the Sine Behavior. The Sine Behavior ******* rocks, it can really add a **** load of believability to assets that aren't even animated. But it'd be cool if we could also affect the opacity of sprites with the sine.

  • 50) Add Post Processing Filters 'on top'.

    That'd be a cool thing to have. Like, during compositing, it's often helpful to add that last effect to your composition to give it that last little edge - like, a sharpen filter on top of everything to make the details come out.

    Seconded sorta.

    In DX and GL this is done with a fullscreen square with a special shader. In Construct you'd have a fullscreen empty sprite with an effect. Then again, the effects wouldn't have access to the layers below.

    One COULD write an effect that did offscreen render, so that one would put it on each layer and you could use that data in the layer on top, assuming painter's algorithm for layers.

    The great thing about Construct's design is that you can "hit the ground running" with your game and with a little extra work you can make it do exactly what you want to.

    Then again, I don't know much about shaders. Halp?

  • Umm... layer effect? Select the layer and you can add an effect in its properties.

  • Layer Effects only work on... well, layers. I don't want a seperate effect for each and every layer - I want an effect that's being rendered over the whole layout. Being specific, I want to add a 'sharpen' pass on top of everything.

  • re: #48 - I have an unfinished KonamiCode.cap on my PC, which I stopped working on for exactly this reason. I could get the combo to work - just about - but it didn't handle failures very well, and the events required became so complicated that it would have utterly failed as the educational example I wanted it to be.

    I definitely support having more control over timers. In GameMaker you can set, reset and disable timers (alarms) at any time simply by setting it to a value - e.g. writing 'Alarm[n] = 30' (to set it to 30 steps), set to 0 to finish early, set to -1 to cancel it.

    Some things you should be able to do with timers:

    • activate (set to a value and begin counting down)
    • reset (start again from new value)
    • pause & resume (self explanatory)
    • finish early (timer = 0 >> perform event)
    • cancel (finish without performing events)

    It's been a while since I worked on that example, so I can't quite remember what timers can and can't do right now, but I remember thinking at the time that they could benefit from a few additions / tweaks.

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  • Layer Effects only work on... well, layers. I don't want a seperate effect for each and every layer - I want an effect that's being rendered over the whole layout. Being specific, I want to add a 'sharpen' pass on top of everything.

    An adjustment layer. It would be really usefull. And by the way a system to apply this adjustment layer to specific group of layers... groups!! Like in PS

  • 50) Add Post Processing Filters 'on top'.


    It'd be cool if we could have a layer that's put on top of the whole render and is being applied to everything in the scene during runtime. We'd still have to be able to specify where the post processing effects are active and where they should be inactive (like, you wouldn't need them in menus and stuff), but that'd be a great addition.

    Try a canvas object the size of the window on top of everything with 'grab before drawing' and an effect applied.

  • That works beautifully, thanks Ash!

    And now that we've got that:

    51) A 'Sharpen' Effect

    Just like what Photoshop does when you do a Filter - Sharpen.

    And it'd be cool if we could control the strength of it!

    To everyone:

    The canvas object can basically be used like an adjustment layer. You just create a layer on top of the layers that you want to use it on and set the canvas object to fill up the whole screen. Then, you can set the layer to be an inheritance layer and can inherit the exact same settings on another layer in any other layout.

    Man, Construct _is_ ******* powerful.

  • 52) This is a pretty important one:

    More Fullscreen Options. Right now, if I set the layout to be 720p and my monitor doesn't natively support that resolution, Construct just resizes and stretches the whole screen with complete disregard for the aspect ratio - which makes the game look much less flattering in fullscreen mode.

    Also, I think I caught a bug with fullscreen: With a color overlay that has a layer effect applied to it and the canvas object on top of everything that has a the sharpen shader applied to it, if I go to fullscreen, the screen fills up with artifacts.

    And one problem I always had is still pretty annoying: If I start the runtime, go to fullscreen and quit the game, the IDE crashes.

    In general, that stuff should really get looked into - being able to switch to fullscreen without any hick-ups is really important and being able to retain the aspect ratio of the project is also vital.

  • Can you reproduce them in new .caps and submit them to the tracker?

    If you set the resize mode in application properties to 'show more window content', the runtime will never stretch the display. However, I think some non-CRT monitors pretend they support certain resolutions by stretching the image with linear filtering. There's nothing you can do to stop that except not change in to that resolution; it's just crappy monitor design.

  • Ash: I'll try to do that in the next couple of days. I'm a bit busy with the relocation right now, but I promise that I'll think of it

    Here's another one:

    53) It'd be cool if we could toggle layouts like we can toggle events. If I want to skip layout 2 and 3 right now, I have to skip em using my debug key and if I want to compile a version without layout 2 and 3, I actually have to delete those layouts just to get it compiled.

    So it'd be cool if we could just right click a layout and toggle it - if it's toggled, it won't be in the runtime and it won't be compiled if you export to the exe.

    That'd make things quite a bit easier

  • 54) Copying layouts should work. It'd be cool if you guys could add: RMB on layout -> Duplicate Layout.

    Currently, if I hold CTRL and click drag a layout, it completely screws up the projects numbering, so suddenly all the layouts are random. Very weird bug.

    55) More options for how 'write text' actually writes the text. What I really don't like about the current way is that if it has to write a longer word and it reaches the end of the textbox, it doesn't naturally split the word or whatever, but it starts writing it and then pops it into the next line, which makes for a really ugly effect. In general, text in Construct could need a lot more love.

    56) This is an important one: The 'Soft Light' Blending Mode from Photoshop is still missing in the effects. I use it on quite a lot of comps and sorta emulate it with Overlay and a lower opacity, but it's not quite the same effect. If you guys could implement Soft Light as a Pixel Shader... that'd be great

  • On a sidenote, setting the timescale doesn't seem to work in the latest build.

    Start of Layout - Set time scale to 0.5 doesn't do anything for me.

    EDIT: Crap, was just thinking about it. That timescale thing could be tied to my pause function, I think it was just an if / else thing and probably overrides the new timescale event.

    Having said that, wouldn't it be cool if we could somehow debug that? Like, create an 'overwritten' category in the debugger that'd list all the events that are overwritten by whatever other events. The more complex projects become, the harder it is to figure out all the nooks and crannies.

  • On a sidenote, setting the timescale doesn't seem to work in the latest build.

    Start of Layout - Set time scale to 0.5 doesn't do anything for me.

    EDIT: Crap, was just thinking about it. That timescale thing could be tied to my pause function, I think it was just an if / else thing and probably overrides the new timescale event.

    Having said that, wouldn't it be cool if we could somehow debug that? Like, create an 'overwritten' category in the debugger that'd list all the events that are overwritten by whatever other events. The more complex projects become, the harder it is to figure out all the nooks and crannies.

    That sounds very complex and probably not the best solution. The watch tab allows you to add variables to a shorter list, so you can see when they change.

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