TheRealDannyyy's Forum Posts

  • You won't be able to run Construct 3 beta versions offline in the NWjs version because the URL redirect requires an internet connection. (Same if you bookmark the beta link in any other browser.)

    If you don't understand what this means. Click this url and notice how it redirects to the latest Construct 3 beta version:

  • > > Has there been any luck with the fullscreen/ close

    I really appreciate your hard work into this! I am getting a bit nervous as i am going to be releasing a game at the end of the month but i cannot address bugs without a working full screen to boot!


    If you go a few pages back, you will find a workaround using javascript. Just in case, if it takes longer to fix.

  • Has there been any luck with the fullscreen/ close function?

    it seems with each update to C3 it breaks further and further.

    I think i am going mad with these bugs lol

    Still investigating:

  • Thanks, I wanted to make sure if it's just me or it's a known issue :)

    I'd recommend to open a separate topic instead. This topic is really just for feedback regarding the Launcher itself.

  • I'm using the latest C3 Desktop built + NW.js (updated from the latest launcher).

    I've noticed that my player is lagging (milliseconds of stops while moving) so I tried C3 debug first and I noticed that the FPS are lower and not always stable.

    This is again an issue that you have to report to Scirra. The Launcher doesn't have anything to do with the Construct 3 runtime itself. It just downloads and runs NWjs automatically.

  • It seems like I can't draw tilemaps using the desktop version while in the browser I can.

    Sounds like a C3 regression. Please report it directly to them on GitHub. NWjs bugs are still being investigated.

  • I removed it after the first test you made, since you specified it wouldn't work as an arg anyway;

    However I was using single process not for recording matters but more to avoid confusion with players with the multiple processes, some people who checked the task manager when testing my projects were mistrusful to see a game with 7 processes, I guess it's not very common in the video game domain

    Just tell them it's the game engine optimization at work. I think on Windows 10 the task manager shows all processes as one anyway.

  • That's why I asked if you needed anything else, I'll link a capx next time for sure;

    The example you provided this time was good enough but you never know.

    Also about single-process, when you say "it doesn't help with screen recording software detection", do you mean it makes it worse? Or it just doesn't make any difference?

    No improvements. It seems like most recorders don't work because of NWjs's way of rendering things and not the process structure itself.

    (I'm not experimented enough to implement --disable-crash-handler so I probably wont touch it)

    I just saw it inside your package.json file. Might want to remove it.

  • What do you mean by single process? Is that a NWjs flag?

    Also yes Fib it reduces the number of process in the task manager to one + two crash handling processes (if I get it right), but apparently it is buggy so I'll avoid it for now;

    I'm not saying to not use it at all, I just don't recommend it. In my testing it just made things worse. Longer startup times, worse performance on low-end devices and it also doesn't help with screen recording software detection. Those were the main reasons for why I removed it from the roundup.

    As a side note, you have to run "--disable-crash-handler=true" in command line. It won't work as a chromium arg, that's why you still see crash handler processes. For example appended to a shortcut or executed with a separate app (e.g. launcher).

  • Tested with V0.47.3 SDK after removing single process, with resizable enabled then disabled, it didn't fix it for me, I'll wait for the V0.48 to see if it improves anything, thanks for your time!

    Could you please make sure that you don't have scaling enabled. That's known to cause issues as well. In the future, please provide the capx and not just the exported files.

    Windows Scaling:

  • I will try but how do I install this version? By replacing the folders in NWjsforC2 directory or is there another process? Thanks

    For now I would just download it and put the "package.nw" file into the same folder for testing. Chrome 85 (NWjs v0.48.0) is coming out very soon. I'd recommend waiting for it and then using the installer.

  • There is still an ongoing bug with NWjs and basic browser actions. I don't know when they'll look into it but the current situation slows things down, as everyone probably knows.

    Workaround is to stay at the version mentioned inside the issue.

  • EDIT : I made an empty project (854x480, letterbox scale integer, not resizable, NWjs V0.47, C2 r275)

    with a text indicating dimensions of viewport, browser and NWjs, same issue happened, based on the text viewport and browser inner size are almost the same, yet there are borders around it :

    I could reproduce it. Looks like NWjs version v0.47.3 [SDK] fixed it. Would you mind trying to reproduce it on your end to confirm it's fixed?

    (Please don't use single process anymore. It's always bugged and gives no advantages in general.)

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  • So I've been doing tests of viewports between two computers, one is 1366x768 (on left) and the other 1920x1080 (on right), the game start resolution is 854x480, letterbox scale integer, NWjs V0.47,

    however I have 2 different results ...

    Is it how NWjs handle different screen sizes, or is it a know bug? Thanks for your time

    Please upload something for reproduction. Images and long explanations just make things confusing and difficult to debug. I have a 1920x1080 screen, so it should break on my end.

    EDIT :I forgot to ask another question, is it possible to install the most recent versions of NWJS without the NWjsforC2 installation file?

    Install to a separate location and copy the files manually. If you do things manually, you also have the option to download the SDK versions from here. There will be no more installers after C2 is sunset, better to get started with it now.

  • It's pretty much as PabloDev said. Keep the folders but remove the contents. Construct 2 will then complain about missing files, if possible skip or just add back some of the files it requires. I'd also recommend running Construct 2 on a fast SSD and exporting to the same SSD to speed things up.

    I think all the exporting code is inside "html5.exporter.dll" and the Construct 2 executable but I don't want to get into legal trouble with Scirra by finding out.