TheNormalGeek's Forum Posts

  • Would like an "Plugin Reference>Kongregate" manual entry, but the manual is still a very important and excellent tool for newbies and veterans.

  • Should fix the kongregate version? It has scrollbars on the side of it.

  • Fade Behavior

  • I found 30minutes into using the FREE version that it would not be possible to directly do Construct->iOS (It does not even interest me, and I still quickly found out).

  • I think you only can do 1 and 1. If you can do it mupltiple at a time, then I dont know how.


    Link to the file, with highscores (Changed some of the names used)

  • Ill do, just give me a couple of minutes and ill update this post.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Ok, the things you need to do/fix:

    In eventsheet[GAME] Event#8:

    The system will always check after this value and therefore when "Timelim" starts at 0 the system will see that and record it as "StoredScore".

    You will need another variable that tells the game if the game is still going on. This can be called "Ingame".

    That means Event#8 should look like:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Remember when the game ends you need "Ingame=0"

    In eventsheet[MENU] Event#2:

    Add a Set "Savescore" to 0

    You will also need the savedscore to be something like "9999999" so it will always save the score from the first go.

    (When "savedscore" starts at 0 it wont move because <="savedscore" is already written as [Less or Equal to 0])

    Might be hard to understand, but if you dont, just ask. (Began with construct 4days ago)

  • Is this version with or without your try at a highscore system?

  • <font color=orange><font size="6">Color Shooter V0.3</font>


    This is the thread for my upcoming game "Color Shooter". This is the thread for anyone interested or just want to see what to come in the future. Game bugs and suggestions would be nice ;)


    -Added Red enemies(Health:5)

    -Enemies shoot at the player when close

    -Enemies shoot Grey bullets

    -Enemies shot with wrong color regains all health

    -Enemies shot with correct color lose one health

    -Player health system


    -Added a small color instruction HUD

    -Bullets to each color

    To do list:

    -Destroy player when playerhealth<=0

    -Enemies and the player can not walk through eachother


    -Remove black rectangles around sprites

    -Add green, blue, yellow, aqua and magneta enemies

    -Add secret orange whale that eats salad

    -Rainbow bullets

    -Enemies drops rainbow coins

    -Rainbow bullets rechargebar

    -Add more things to the "To do list"

    Give your opinion on what needs to be fixed, and/or suggestions as a reply to this thread.

  • Entry

  • I think that it has much room for improvement, first I would add some more time for refurbishing the gameplay and its mechanics. You should also look into the graphic style for some platforms. I came to a problem where I couldn't see a ledge in the tree and was stuck for 30seconds.

    I think you can manage to clearly mark where to go (at least in the early levels), and I think you can make the levels more "special" than they are now.

    You should stop thinking about earning something on ads, and think about removing some of the signs.

    But I can see where you are heading. If you manage to introduce some new and interesting gameplay mechanics, fix some issues with graphics and you fix some minor problems with gameplay, I think you can make a great and beautiful game.

    I am looking forward until your next update to see what changes you have made, and what you are planning to do in the time to come. The future of this game is in your hands.

    You can do it big as many before you!

    -TheNormalGeek, signing off.

  • Im Anders from Norway, hopefully will be making some cool stuff soon <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I also have a problem with WASD I have set up everything as shown. But my WASD will not move the Player