Ok, the things you need to do/fix:
In eventsheet[GAME] Event#8:
The system will always check after this value and therefore when "Timelim" starts at 0 the system will see that and record it as "StoredScore".
You will need another variable that tells the game if the game is still going on. This can be called "Ingame".
That means Event#8 should look like:
<img src="http://i46.tinypic.com/2uigakm.png" border="0" />
Remember when the game ends you need "Ingame=0"
In eventsheet[MENU] Event#2:
Add a Set "Savescore" to 0
You will also need the savedscore to be something like "9999999" so it will always save the score from the first go.
(When "savedscore" starts at 0 it wont move because <="savedscore" is already written as [Less or Equal to 0])
Might be hard to understand, but if you dont, just ask. (Began with construct 4days ago)