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  • Perfectly normal. That's why it's called RANDOM access Memory.

  • I did it with a variable on Lever called Which_Gate.

    Pick UID - Lever.UID

    >Pick UID - Lever.Which_Gate

    Works like a charm.

    I thought UIDs changed every time the game was loaded.

  • Oh boy. Way over thinking this. Let me run to my computer and show you how it's done.

    Edit: Does this help?

  • Sounds like a tutorial I need to make.

  • What's the reason for this?

  • Can you link to the game? The only "The Seed" I found, was a 3D First Person Shooter.

    Edit: Nevermind I found it. A story book type of game is fairly easy. The entire scene is just a 2D image. Then you create simple events to control text, score, etc. Very easy to make. Read through the start tutorials in C2 and start adapting what you like, into your game.

  • Hey, unxcellent I've figured out the New local storage system however I don't have my files right now so I can't upload. One Workaround you could do is look for OLD WEBSTORAGE CAPXs and build your game over those. They are much much easier to use.

    When you insert a new object, right click on the background of the pop up window and select "Show Deprecated Plugins". I prefer Web-storage myself.

  • So, I think I got this.

    X = (PlayerWeaponMinDMG * 0.9)

    Y = (PlayerWeaponMaxDMG * 1.1)

    Z = random((X),(Y)) Random will pick a value between the two values given right? Not just either or?

    TrueDamage = Z - Player.DEF


    Edit: Checked the manual. I want to use "random". The other option would be "choose", which I do not want.

  • But if I do that for lets say 100 damage.

    100 / 100 * 10 = 10.

    I want ten percent below 100, so 90. Not ten percent of current value.

  • Is there a simpler way of finding X?

    X = random((Player.WeaponMinDmg - 10%),(Player.WeaponMaxDmg + 10%))

    And is this how I remove/add 10 percent of the weapon damage?

    Basically, I want to find minimum and maximum damage of the weapon, let's say 50 min and 80 max. Then I want the computer to minus 10% from the minimum and add 10% onto the maximum. Then I want the computer to randomly select between those two variables. So it would end up selecting a random number between 45 and 88, with these current values.

    I know how to do the Math part I am just not sure how it translates into Construct 2 logic and so on.

  • I don't understand the issue. Why not just use an animated sprite?

  • This is how I handled the issue.

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  • Thanks for the help. I ended up switching to 8 directional movement and programming my own logic.

    It does what I need it to do for now but I see issues down the road when it comes to path finding.

  • Hey there,

    So, I created an "AI" of sorts, specifically, a move-to player action. As you can see below, the monster sets the angle towards the player and then moves toward the player, one pixel per tick. This has been fine for a while, but now I need the Monster to stop changing it's angle.

    I went through all of the actions but I just can't seem to find one that will allow LOS movement towards the Player, without changing the angle of the object being moved. Can anyone help?

    Thank You,


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  • The barrels would just be sprites with their own Sine behaviour. Once the player is overlapping a barrel sprite, set player invisible and set player.X/Y to barrel.X/Y. You'll need to update the player's position to the barrels position as the barrel moves. Disable player controls and anything else you don't want happening while the player is in a barrel. There are a few ways to do this, play around a bit. Also set a variable that you are in a barrel. inBarrel = 1

    When inBarrel = 1 and you press the Fire Key, enable bullet behaviour on the Player and set inBarrel = 0. Set the Player's animation to "Curled Up" (or whatever) then set the bullet acceleration/speed and time that this animation will play, based on each barrels properties. Also set the Player back to visible.

    Disable bullet behaviour after X amount of time. Set the animations back to default. Enable player controls. Rinse and repeat.