Tekniko's Forum Posts

  • Hey CloveltOc,

    I put all my questions and thought process into a video. Easier to understand.

  • I would start with:

    When Box Picked up > Move Box negatively along the Y axis. Seeing as your players height will never change, this shouldn't be too difficult.

    I remember in Mario 2 they used to snap the object to be infront of the player and then move it up and above the head.

    Set your animations, like "Arms Up", if you have something like that.

    Enable Pinned to Player. Set your "Carrying an Item" variable.

    Then have an event where, if the player presses A, enable bullet movement and unpin on the carried object.

    Have a sub-event, that will set the direction of the bullet based on the direction the player is facing. Facing Right set the angle of motion to 45 degrees, and facing Left to 135 degrees.

    I would also disable collisions on the object once it has been thrown so that it falls off the screen. Then destroy it. You can handle enemy collisions (if you are using the object as a weapon) by checking for overlapping.

    Unless you want to keep the objects you are picking up, for like building blocks or something.

    Does that help?

  • CloveltOc

    Sorry, but I still don't understand how it works and how I can control it. I would like the text to scroll upwards, not down. As well, the first line of text stays at the top. How do I get it to scroll away with the rest of the text?

  • I understand Arrays. I just can't seem to understand the logic behind them and how people are able to just cycle through their data and know which ones to select, etc.

  • This link should help you with your question.

    Click here!

  • CloveltOc

    Loving it so far. Unfortunately once the text window is full it stops scrolling up. Know how to fix this?

  • Hey there,

    My goal is to create a log of sorts that holds notifications of certain events, player damage, monster deaths, chat, etc. Unfortunately the way I can seem to get the scrolling window is by using a TextBox. More specifically, I want to know if it's possible to edit this bulky ugly white box into something more appealing to the eyes? I mean this really can't be our only option for scroll-able text, is it?

    Thank You,


  • Are you sure your text object is of type "TextArea" ?

    What is the content of Param(0) ?

    I've just tried it, it works as it always has.

    Okay, TextArea works but regular "Text" option doesn't. I don't want the player to be able to type in the window.

    Edit: Nevermind, I set it to read only. Works... for now.

  • I can't seem to get "newline" to work in the TextBox object. See anything I am doing wrong or is this a bug?

  • Hey there,

    I am trying to create a text window that will scroll up when I add a new line of text. Just like what you would see in any games chat window. I know that the TextBox object has an action for this but I can't use a TextBox because I don't want that big white background. How would I go about manually scrolling the text upward on a simple Text or Sprite Font Object?

    Thank You,


  • Let's see the events you use to pause the game.

  • Use a different event sheet for each layout. The Array will stay in tact unless you change it.

  • Figured it out, thanks Ashley!

  • Can anyone tell me why I keep getting a return value of 0?

    My players weapon damages are 30 and 50. The monster's DEF is only at 10. I should not be getting zero.

    Thank You,


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  • Phoenixbowman

    In the sprite editor, on the right hand side you will see an Animations Window. Right click and select Add Animation. Name it whatever you want. That is where I name my animations, "Right", "Left", and so on.