TechBoxNorth's Forum Posts

  • When I load r88 beta and then try to create desktop icon, the icon starts r85 instead. Anyone know how to solve this? I have tried removing temp internet files and so on but it just won't work.

  • It works for me: ... .capx?dl=0

    I could swear I did it the same way but obviously I didn't because this time your method works.

    My most humble apologies, and a big thanks for the help <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

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    > Yes but I could not get it to work. It seems that any float that ends with a .o is automaticly changed into an int.


    Me neither. But this works:

    > Global number count = 300
    + System: Every 0.1 seconds
    -> System: Subtract 1 from count
    ----+ System: count%10 = 0
    -----> Text: Set text to int(count÷10)&".0"
    ----+ System: Else
    -----> Text: Set text to count÷10
    I cant get it to work with floats so i have do divide in the textbox.

    Yep That works, just got to remember if I want a 50 sec timer I need to set it to 500. Thanx for helping!

  • Sorry, missed one bracket, also change "int" to "round":

    Set value to (round(value*10)/10)

    Set text to str(value) & (int(value)=value ? ".0" : "")

    Still doesn't work, now the timer value is always set 30.

  • Try this:

    Set value to (int(value*10/10)

    (this is to remove any possible digits after 1 decimal, as sometimes float numbers are displayed like 5.300000000009)

    Set text to str(value) & (int(value)=value ? ".0" : "")

    (this will add ".0" if the value is integer)

    Thanks for the reply but when I try it decimals never shows at all

  • > So i have a variable Time with a starting value of 30 and every 0.1 seconds it subtracts 0.1 and updates the text of a sprite font but there is a problem: every time the value hits an even number the text shows no decimals. I want the text to be like: 30.0 29.9 29.8 29.7 --> 29.1 29.0 Not like the way it is now: 30 29.9 29.8 29.7 --> 29.1 29


    > I have tried all kinds of solutions that i can think of using zeropad(), find(), left(), right() and so on but nothing works.


    > If someone have a confirmed working way to acheive this please share, it would be greatly appreciated!


    have you tried something like "Float" system expression?

    Yes but I could not get it to work. It seems that any float that ends with a .o is automaticly changed into an int.

  • So i have a variable Time with a starting value of 30 and every 0.1 seconds it subtracts 0.1 and updates the text of a sprite font but there is a problem: every time the value hits an even number the text shows no decimals. I want the text to be like: 30.0 29.9 29.8 29.7 --> 29.1 29.0 Not like the way it is now: 30 29.9 29.8 29.7 --> 29.1 29

    I have tried all kinds of solutions that i can think of using zeropad(), find(), left(), right() and so on but nothing works.

    If someone have a confirmed working way to acheive this please share, it would be greatly appreciated!

  • I would like to make an enemy in my platform game be able to chase efter me by jumping on platforms, climbing ladders and so on.. basically behave like a player. If anyone who has done this before coulod give some helpful tips (how to do , where to look for info etc) that would be very helpful.

  • Hello!

    I'm trying to find a way to set what window size the game will have when it starts. I'm making a low res game (64x64 for low res jam) and would like it to scale up to say 640x640 when it starts.


    .... anyone?

  • Is there a way to clear the list of recently opened projects? List items remains even though the project files have been deleted. Accidentally trying to load a deleted project crashes C3.

  • I had started a similar thread here that you may find useful.

    If you don't need to dynamicly change the zordering though,I'd say just using layers smartly would do just fine.

    Thanks for the reply, the methods in that thread does not seem to be applicable to tilemap but I'll look into it anyway

  • What would be the best way (spending less cpu and gpu resources) of handling z-order of tilemap elements, like letting the player walking behind treess, buildings etc in a top down adventure game?

    Is it possible to z-order a tilemap?

  • I just experienced the fullscreen function to work perfectly in chrome but not in Safari (like it used to in C2 as well) but then a tester said he can fullscreen in safari weird day. What is wrong with this fullscreen function?

    Apart from that it works for me.

    You musst do it on a input command though, not "on start of layout"!

    Yes I know about the input command, assigned it to a keyboard command.

  • Does anyone have an answer to this?

    Maybe Ashley can shed some light on the matter?

  • Trying to find a way to tell my game to go fullscreen using the browser plugin, worked fine in C2 !?