TechBoxNorth's Forum Posts

  • I just put a button on on a debug layer along with everything else debug related like textboxes and such. When game is done i just remove the debug group in the eventsheet and the debug layer, then save it as a new seperate file for production.

  • Would like some help with my scrolling tiled backgrounds.

    My game is for mobile and I was wondering what is the max recommended size of a tiled background?

    I have 3 right now: (for parallax effect)

    bgFront - 512x128

    bgMiddle - 512x256

    bgBack - 512x256

    I was getting horizontal lines but got rid of them by removing the bottom line of pixels in all of them but I thought maybe the lines were there because the images are too big?

    Any input on this would be helpful


  • Hmm I was just looking for the same thing

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  • Ashley

    Well sorry to ruin your day, on the bright side I now know to put in an fps counter while testing. I'll admit that, with my limited knowledge about these things, I thought jerky/skippy movement always meant low fps, now I know better.

    I'll remeber to check the gpu blacklist for sure. I did however (in my defense) point out in my original post that I found it odd to be working well when exporting to lower android version and it did not occur to me that there might be a bug in the current webview software on the device (correct me if I'm wrong).

  • I agree!

    Official plugins maintained by scirra handling ads from ad networks that has rewarded video ads and all the other things mentioned by Artpunk (steam etc)

    would definitely seal the deal for me.

  • > forgot to mention that fps lies steadily between 57 and 60.


    It sounds like your game is actually running great then!

    Yep it does, thanx for being patient with me

    Now I'm eagerly awaitng more news about C3, specifically regarding Scirras own wrapping service and what kind of monetization options it will have. Have been looking into rewarded video ads but would much prefer not to have to rely on 3rd party plugins but official ones from scirra.

  • - I can't see any actual performance data you've shared in this thread, so I don't know if you're talking about 10 FPS vs. 55 FPS. If it runs OK but looks a bit janky, that turns out to be a Chrome bug on Android at the moment. Without any reason to think otherwise for the time being I would attribute any non-smooth performance issue to that bug. It'll get fixed though, Chrome had a v-sync bug in v38 which got fixed fairly quickly.

    I think that would be the reason also. FPS are the same when exporting to android below or above version 5.0. However exporting to lower version that yields bigger apk

    runs smooth while the other one have jerky/skippy movements.


    forgot to mention that fps lies steadily between 57 and 60. Even on my more than 3yrs old little LG L70 low budget device (when exporting to android 4.1)

  • Ashley

    Any thoughts?

  • That .capx runs perfectly on my HTC 10, in Chrome. Does it run well for you from the browser?

    When I preview with the chrome browser on my devices it runs very good.

    So what is wrong with the phonegap export I wonder? (using the free account there if that makes any difference)

  • Ashley

    on my phone:

    Canvas: Hardware accelerated

    WebGL: Hardware accelerated

    on my tab:

    Canvas: Hardware accelerated

    WebGL: Hardware accelerated

    Link to capx: ... umper.capx (it is just a tiny test project)

    Again when I export it with a lower android version setting and take the 25mb hit it works fine

  • > I really hope that scirras own service to build apps in C3 is alot better than phonegap.

    > Just tested phonegap with a tiny test game and the performance is embarrassing.


    Again, I will keep repeating this, you have to check for GPU blacklisting as the very first step. Visit chrome://gpu in Chrome on the device to check. This only affects about ~5% of devices.

    Ok I'll do that but I find it hard to believe that a top-selling phone like my Samsung Galaxy S7 would be blacklisted (or my tablet Samsung Galaxy TAB S for that matter).

  • I really hope that scirras own service to build apps in C3 is alot better than phonegap.

    Just tested phonegap with a tiny test game and the performance is embarrassing.


    Maybe I did something wrong? I exported the project with minimum android version set to 5.0(Webview), the apk was just 1mb but the performance was horrible. Now I exported with the android setting set to 4.4(kitkat), the apk was 25mb but performance was quite acceptable.

    Does someone know something about this?

  • I'm considering getting a Microsoft Surface Pro 4, they are really nice

  • My point was they won't be giving existing Greenlight developers their money back.

    Ah ok, sorry

  • "It's only 100 dollars" they said, "it goes to charity" they said, "you get to submit games indefinitely" they said.

    You didn't read it properly:

    "The fee is likely to prove a point of contention. Under Greenlight, developers pay a one-off $100 fee, under which they can then submit as many apps as they please. The new fee will be per project. Valve says that the new fee will likely be higher than $100, and is considering anything up to $5,000. The firm says it wants to find a balance between allowing struggling but talented creators to launch great new games, while discouraging multiple launches of questionable quality and seriousness."