TackerTacker's Forum Posts

  • Very pleased with Box2D+ and your support, I already know I'll buy this one too.

  • Another thing that can cause pin lag is the folder structure in your projects bar, it can changes the order in which objects get updated. I tweeted about this https://twitter.com/2xTacker/status/917781791066423296 the gif shows what i mean pretty well.

  • Great job Colludium can't wait to play around with the plugin.

    Speaking of playing around with the plugin, why don't you release the physics plugin already without the platform helper plugin?

    I personally don't need the platformer part and would love to already use the physics plugin and possibly find bugs/problems you might have missed, if you dont want to do that, that's obviously fine too.

    Also, it is awesome that you actually took the time to write a manual for your plugin as well.

    That way people don't have to look for inforamtion by scrolling through a ton of forum pages

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  • Please fix your links on the store thiagosantostsd they are currently leading to scam websites.

  • Never mind...

    It seems this bug only happens with the experimentell chrome canary browser.

  • Hey ThePhotons I am using the Photon plugin for a 2 player multiplayer game.

    I noticed that always only the master client was running smoothly and I thought I did something wrong,

    but it turns out that the clients (not master) are all running only with 30FPS as soon as data get send or received.

    This is also the case in the pool demo, so it's not my fault.

    Is this behaviour intended?

    Can I disable it somehow?

  • Ok i made a gif, maybe that shows better what is going on


  • lamar thanks for the reply but i know these things and i am 100% sure this is not what happened.

    It would also not explain why the sprite placed in the layout shows a different image then the one in the sprite editor.

    I can close and reopen the sprite editor and it still shows a different image in the layout then in the editor.

  • So this is the 2nd time this happend to me, I import images from a sprite strip,

    edit them a bit and change the origin and stuff like that and everything works just fine ... but then suddenly, i think it happens after i save the project as a .capx, the different graphics of all the animation frames all change to the same graphic... well not all, some stay correct.

    The first time I imported a ton of animation frames of the main character and after i saved the project 2/3 of all animation frames changed to 2 alternating graphics.

    Now this 2nd time it happened with a set of weapons, it even still shows the correct weapon sprites for the ones that are placed in the layout but they are streched

    I marked the important parts in the image

    -edit- Here is a gif of the problem -edit-

    Here you can see that frame 0 is correct frame 1 is also correct and is the frame that gets repeated over n over till suddenly frame 19 is correct again ?!?!?

    Here are all the weapon sprites placed in the layout

    I have really no idea why this is happening and how to reproduce this issue

    but its very frustrating especially when it happend with the main character of our game and i had to replace 120 animationframes.

    • Post link icon

    So the new C3 logo has a triangle to represent the 3 huh ?

    ... is that a hint at polygons ?

    ...does that mean C3 will be 3D ?

  • "sometimes people need them sooner than we provide them"

    The problem is that no one knows when sooner or later is.

    We dont even know if Scirra is working on it, will ever work on it or has even heared of problem x y.

    It would be really great to know what is worked on and whats in the queue not only for c2 but also for the website the learning resources etc.

    It doesn't have to be maintained only by Scirra either, we are a great helpfull community here and there are plenty of people around that would help maintaining a Trello page for example.

    Godot has a trello roadmap https://trello.com/b/Vl7OgSuq/godot-engine-2-1

    Unreal Engine 4 has a trello roadmap https://trello.com/b/gHooNW9I/ue4-roadmap

    Unity has a roadmap https://unity3d.com/de/unity/roadmap

    There is probably something like this in place internally to keep track of what has to be done but it would make a big difference if it was open for the c2 community

  • I had this issue multiple times too and didn't know how to report it either, but i think it has something to do with webgl effects combined with the sprite font object.

    Try to fix it by deleting the webgl fx from the sprite font, save, close and reopen the project and if that fixed it try to re-add the fx.

  • donotsecret you have to "update" the region, they didn't update the example .capx after updating the plugin.

    Should work after that.

  • Savvy001 you can also split every tile in the array into 4 tiles in a new array and get 2 wide hallways this way.

    It also has the neat side effect that you only need 9 tiles in your tileset for the walls because it always creates tiles that have at least 2 neighbors.

  • R0J0hound This is a really cool example, but its unfortunately pretty heavy on the performance

    and it doesn't work with tilemaps without crerating lots of extra collision boxes.

    I was trying to achive a similar results with this raycasting plugin.

    The benefit would be that it works with tilemaps and i guess it would be faster than an event sheet only version?!?!

    Here is a capx of what i've tried so far.

    My biggest problem is that i dont know in what direction i should shoot the ray to get the walls normal.

    another thing is that i dont know how to calculate at what speed the player would slide along the wall?

    It would be awesome if you could take a look at the .capx and give me a hint in the right direction.