Here's something I've been working on for the last few weeks - a behavior that changes a Sprite into a particle emitter.
Why? Well, you can't do any of the following with the Particle plugin and to create this behavior using events would tediously complicated and would be almost impossible to move between projects.
For Emitter:
Set Continuous
Set One-Shot Immediate
Set One-Shot Tweened rate
Warm up emitter (pre-create particles)
Set spawn Z position (on top or at bottom of particles)
For Particle:
Set spawn angle, with random
Set animation randomly chosen from csv list of animation names
Set particle blend mode according to random animation that is chosen
Set spawn width/height/opacity if different from emitter
Set Gravity (for speed accel)
Set Accel (for speed accel - added to gravity, create local effects)
Set Speed to accelerate, like standard particle plugin
Set Angular Velocity to accelerate
Set detect solid collision (choose to Destroy or to Bounce)
Set global bounce factor for speed (bounce on Solid)
Set bounce factor per object (bounce on Solid)
Set particle to become an emitter object
Set following parameters to be tweened: angle, opacity, width, height, scale, rotational velocity, linear velocity, effect (params 0 to 2)
Is a particle
For Emitter:
Trigger on burst tween end
Trigger on burst tween reverse
For Particle:
Trigger on tween end for: angle, opacity, speed, width, height, scale, rotational velocity, effect (params 0 to 2)
Work left to do:
Preview debugger display values
Works with minfy etc. NB - this creates Sprites and, therefore, provides similar performance in-game. All of the transformations can be given an immediate or delayed start time, so it's easy to make very complicated effects with just a few actions.
Here's a demo: