TackerTacker's Forum Posts

  • lot's of angry kneejerk reactions.

    Don't simply put off peoples concerns as kneejerk reaction.

    Most of these concerns are based on, how Scirra has handled things in the past, and on their own concessions.

    they are not just gonna drop Construct like a hot potato now.

    no one said that?! It's about them having less time for the main product, not about dropping it.

  • Just as a tip about the brightness, I saw someone else having this problem with OBS and it turned out that he had a HDR monitor and disabling HDR in Windows fixed the bright recording for him.

    Also nice proc gen :)

  • How will Scirra handle a situation where a 3rd party Construct 3 addon is providing the same functionality that's suppose to be exclusive to Construct Animate?

    Right now the only real distinguishing factor between C3 and CA is the video exporter, lets say that theoretically someone creates a 3rd party addon that provides the same functionality.

    Will that be okay, or will Scirra cripple the C3 asset store to protect sales of their own competing product?

    What happens if the 3rd party C3 addon is better than the feature in CA?

  • added my ⭐ to the issue

  • Something to consider is how z-sorting will work.

    A scene graph object comprised of multiple individual parts should probably be sorted as if it was a single object, but there still needs to be a way of sorting the drawing order for the components of the graph itself, an example would be an arm or leg that needs to be in front of the torso walking to the left but behind the torso walking to the right.

    In Godot there is a property for every "renderable" object called "Show behind parent" which is pretty self explanatory, it changes the render order for this one object to be behind its parent object (children are usually drawn in front) this property is usually enough for pretty much every use case as far as i can tell.

  • In my opinion it should work like this.

    They should be family eventsheets and you should be able to create functions inside of them that can be call like this

    family.myFunction( parameter1, 2, 3, ... )

    or like this

    sprite.myFunction( parameter1, 2, 3, ... ) text.myFunction( parameter1, 2, 3, ... )

    It shouldn't be object eventsheets but family eventsheets because it avoids the problem of not having the same variable/behavior/object type/...

    adding spriteX to mySpriteFamily will automatically attach the family eventsheet to it.

    The scope of the functions would change and make it possible to have a function with the same name in each family eventsheet.

    spriteX.doSomething( parameter1, 2, 3, ... ) spriteY.doSomething( parameter1, 2, 3, ... )

    spriteX and spriteY are both in mySpriteFamily and inherited the family eventsheet with a function called doSomething. Every new sprite added to the family will get the doSomething function with the default code, but each sprite can overwrite it with their own code.

    As an example let's create a simple family eventsheet to control 2 different type of enemies.

    We have a sprite called zombie and a sprite called skeleton, they are both in a family called enemy, with a family eventsheet and the function "attack()" in it.

    We have another sprite called player with a line of sight behavior.

    We now want the enemies to attack the player in different situations and in different ways, the zombie attacks the player if he can reach him with a melee attack and the skeleton will shoot an arrow when he is at the right distance away from the player.

    We can use the normal eventsheet to check if the conditions are met and then call the same function in both enemies family eventsheets, for the zombie we call zombie.attack() on collision with the player and for the skeleton we call skeleton.attack() if he has line of sight to the player. In the zombie attack() function we trigger an melee attack animation and a "hurtbox" that deals damage to the player ( player.takeDamage(1) ) and in the skeletons attack() function we trigger a bow shooting animation and shoot an arrow in the direction of the player.

    Now after writing it all down, i think what i really want (♩ ♫ what i really really want ♪ ♬) is probably just object and family functions. But maybe I am missing something else that would only be possible or easier/cleaner to do with object/family eventsheets


    There is actually already a similar idea posted for that here construct3.ideas.aha.io/ideas/C3-I-22

    I think a way of implementing it in editor could be to add another type to the instance variable drop down (Boolean,Number,String and now added Function) that would be the way to name the instance function, and to create the code for it you would (in normal eventsheet) have something like

    on spriteX myInstanceFunction -> do something

    on spriteY myInstanceFunction -> do something

    in the same way you right now have

    on function myFunction -> do something

    and you could define a default for an instance function with families

    on mySpriteFamily myInstanceFunction -> do something

    the code from this would only be executed for the sprites that have not overwritten "myInstanceFunction"

  • Today I switched from google drive cloud saving to saving locally, because the google drive login constantly popping up when it auto saves was bothering me.

    But for some reason now it doesn't auto save at all anymore with me saving files to a local folder.

    Is this a bug, a limitation of the browser based IDE or am I just the only one with this problem?

  • I would like to take a look, thanks.

  • Yes pleeeease!

    It is really annoying to basically start C3 twice every single time.

  • In my experience jank is most of the times a problem with Intel HD graphics ... besides the time v-sync was broken.

    Laptops and sometimes even desktop PC's don't use the dedicated GPU for browsers, you can add the "rendererDetail" expression to see which GPU is in used.

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  • Here is an invite link to the bad people discord

    https://discord.gg/dZDU7Re if you want to form your own opinion. Everyone is welcome to join.

  • LAST CHANCE only ⏲️⏳a couple hours left ⏰⏱️ to grab one or all of my Construct sketches on sale


  • LAST CHANCE only ⏲️⏳a couple hours left ⏰⏱️ to grab one or all of my Construct sketches on sale


  • All my Construct sketches are on sale this week for itch.io's summer sale All sketches 20% off! or buy everything in a bundle for $9.50!
