szymek's Forum Posts

  • JulieApp

    go to Product > Archive

    there you have option for validate or distribute build


    1) I have selected Target > iPhone and make new build but anyway iTunes page tells about missing screenshot for iPad, lol

    "Universal binaries require at least one screenshot for every supported device. Additionally, you must provide the required screenshots for each localization."

    2) For 10 attempts to upload package, I get 3 upload OK and 7 SSL errors

    3) sometimes Xcode shows warning about missing launch image for 4' Retina screen, but WTF - it's already there (straight from CocoonJS)

    summing up:

    arrrghh :)

  • JulieApp


    remember to prepare any webpage to put on "support" field during app registration on iTunes (5 minutes solution: create free website on

    in case app for kids - remember to prepare some Privacy Policy on webpage

    remember to generate certificate on developer account (they don't mention about this on Ludei tutorial)

  • "Please check that the device emulator is not selected as the active platform, as our compiler only creates builds for the ARM platform, which will fail to run in the iOS emulator."

    does it mean that I can run CocoonJS app only on connected real device,

    not on iOS simulator in Xcode?

  • 1) how to get behavior similar to "back" button on iOS?

    For example: to get to menu layout

    I checked a few apps, and touching this one-button = always quit

    2) what is the name of "legendary" plugin that changes TextBox into Canvas,

    so it can be used on CocoonJS?

    thanks :)

  • Pinco

    is there any solution for TextBox and CocoonJS? (CocoonJS doest not show TextBox)

  • When I look for easy launch-images solutions, most people say that they use simulator in xcode to make screenshot and prepare launch image

    however... to compile code in CocoonJS you need to put launch images BEFORE any compilation... before getting file that will be used in xcode...

    so my question is: how to easily make launch images in case of CocoonJS?

    For now I got just 1 idea: to put some fake launch image on CocooJS -> compile -> make screenshot in simulator -> upload screenshots to CocoonJS -> compile again

  • thehen

    touching "back" on Web Simulator shows me some message, so I guess that it's triggering this "default" exit; anyway in the future I will use close like you said

  • thehen

    "I'd used the back button to navigate menus and pause the game, but not to exit the game. So when on the first screen and the user pressed back, nothing happened."

    strange... I used 'back button' only to go back to menu layout, using latest stable C2 and my apps were accepted

  • it's old one, but accessible without login to some Apple page,

    so... worth to read:

  • Cipriux

    you are right - rejected apps or bugged are counted too. But I guess that 95% devs fix bugs, just because of Tizen App Challenge.

    Off topic: even the weakest Intel CPU is 2x fastest than ARM CPUs, so this + HTML5 apps = I wish them success. Also after Tizen release - I will do all my apps for $ because I want Tizen Store to be next AppStore, not Google Play.

  • tgeorgemihai

    exactly, 7000+ apps were submitted to Tizen Store

  • Letterbox

    screen mode in XML


    "<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no, target-densitydpi=device-dpi" />" in index.html


    Browser > Lock orientation

    always work in my case

  • simwhi

    Terms & Conditions still says:

    "5. PROMOTION PERIOD: The Challenge begins on or about 12:00 A.M. U.S. Pacific Time (PT) on July 9, 2013 and ends at 11:59 P.M. U.S. Pacific Time (PT) on November 1, 2013 (�Promotion Period�)."

    but maybe again they moved internal plans for Tizen premiere

    or they saw that 2 weeks before end time they got 50% apps :)

  • AnD4D

    One thing is package ID visible in config.xml

    <tizen:application id="<random ID here>.MySuperChickenBlast" package="<random ID here>" required_version="2.2"/>

    package ID should be unique - you can random generate it on config.xml view in Tizen IDE...

    Second thing is Tizen Store ID which is ID given to you by Tizen Store

    so what to do?

    1) just generate random package ID in Tizen SDK (or put your own code - but remember that when you submit app with SPECIFIC package ID - then later you can't change this package ID (so if you submit app with NEW package id - it will be treated like a new app)

    2) upload to Tizen Store

    3) when uploaded to Tizen Store, then automatically you get Tizen Store ID

    (this 12 digit number)

    4) this 12 digit number you can submit to Tizen App Challenge

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  • 800x480 = 480x800

    just use Landscape or Portrait