SuperV's Forum Posts

  • Really nice, well done. But translate it to english, I didn't understand ANYTHING.

  • 14 here

  • It's not a good idea to post here without an actual download link or tech demo, but anyway, your game looks bad, just as Soldier Fortress. You need to work on the graphics, and it doesn't really look like "secret of mana", it looks like something a 8 yr old + ms paint would create. Still, the gameplay could be good. Impress me

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  • Ahg, stop it you guys .

    No man, you're awesome.

  • The crash might be a bug that needs fixing, but your (1-Global('g') is wrong.

    > +Player collides with sprite
       -Set g to (0 minus g)
       -Set force of gravity to g
    This will toggle back and forth between 20 and -20.

    sorry, won't this toggle between 0 and -1? Also I can't post the cap right now, because im not at the main pc

  • First of all, I have a variable called g and 2 istances of the same sprite.

    When a player collides with an instance, it is deleted and if g=0 then g=1 and if g=1 then g=0.

    But construct reads events top-down, so g stays at 0.

    I tried using the tricks (1-Global('g')) but that didn't work because I found a crash :

    make 2 events like this :

    When g = 0 set force of gravity to 20

    When g = 1 set force of gravity to -20

    Try to run the layout, it crashes Construct...

    Is there any work-around this bug? I need it badly for my game.

  • Keep it as it is, and add the new plugin. Directsounds works GREAT on my Vista. I don't want it replaced.

  • I think it's under a + rollout thingy labeled "Advanced" or something like that. I'm not sure, I'm not on my Construct computer right now.

    Thanks, it worked. (i think :p)

  • Try using the timedelta override in the App properties.

    i cant find it


    Fixed, i messed up with time delta and its now all FPS friendly

    This didn't fix it. I tried recording a video of the game with fraps, and the physics object went 2x faster because of the lag.

  • Awesome! Mind if I use an heavily-modified version of that for my game?

  • Maybe try this?

    -1000 * (timedelta * -1)[/code:6r49m01h]

    Still doesn't work, sigh.

    This means that people with low framerates can solve levels in seconds D:

  • I can't reproduce any of the bugs in 0.97.5...

    Weird. I'm on another computer now, with XP without any service pack and when I press R multiple times, sometime it closes (but this seems to be a known bug)...

    The only bug from the list I experienced is when I try Debug, and then press Space and click on 1, it crashes. Could you look into that, ashley?

  • Layout changing related bug ><'. I've it after few restarts (3, sometimes after 10, sometimes none at all).

    Yes but this happens every time, it's not occasional.

  • ... Bugged.rar

    Bugs in this cap :

    [quote:u4ngxeb6]Happened to my friend :

    1. Start cap (not debug)

    2. Press space

    3. Crash

    [quote:u4ngxeb6]Happened to my friend :

    1. Debug cap

    2. Press space

    3. Crash

    [quote:u4ngxeb6]Happens to me :

    1. Start cap (not debug)

    2. Press space

    3. Click lvl 1

    4. Play a bit around

    5. Press R (restart layout)

    6. Crash

    [quote:u4ngxeb6]Happens to me :

    1. Debug cap

    2. Crash (without doing anything)

    My friend is on XP SP1

    I am on Vista SP1

    I would like Ashley to take care of this with an Hotfix, I want to continue my project...