I have a physics game when you click you shoot a ball at -1000 force towards mouse. The problem is, that with lower framerates, it goes faster!
I tried putting timedelta but since it's -1000 force it gives strange results. Help please!
Maybe try this?
-1000 * (timedelta * -1)[/code:3he775ts]
Maybe try this? -1000 * (timedelta * -1)[/code:6r49m01h]
-1000 * (timedelta * -1)[/code:6r49m01h]
Still doesn't work, sigh.
This means that people with low framerates can solve levels in seconds D:
Fixed, i messed up with time delta and its now all FPS friendly
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
mediafire.com Fixed, i messed up with time delta and its now all FPS friendly
This didn't fix it. I tried recording a video of the game with fraps, and the physics object went 2x faster because of the lag.
Try using the timedelta override in the App properties.
i cant find it
I think it's under a + rollout thingy labeled "Advanced" or something like that. I'm not sure, I'm not on my Construct computer right now.
Thanks, it worked. (i think :p)