I have a physics game when you click you shoot a ball at -1000 force towards mouse. The problem is, that with lower framerates, it goes faster!
I tried putting timedelta but since it's -1000 force it gives strange results. Help please!
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
That's because new Construct release fixed it
It works for me, now.
1. Open cap (play around and comment the game)
2. Create a 640x480 sprite or 320x200 sprite in the "Background" layer
3. Try to start a new game (going into the in-game menu and pressing space")
4. Crash
5. Save the cap
6. Close/reopen construct
7. Open cap again
8. Delete background (not layer, the sprite you added before)
9. Create any sprite in the Background layer
10. Same problem
http://upload.namelezz.net/downloader.p ... last15.rar
Thank you!!!
You are so friendly
Maybe I'm asking too much now... But is it possible to make a level editor that saves to a INI?
Very useful! I got it
Upload the other one, it can be useful!
Looking at it now, you've been very gentle
> Not groups stuff... But if you can demostrate me with an example... > Ok i'll see if I can whip something up for ya, you want it to be able to define how many objects there are and where they are placed, from the INI file right??
> Not groups stuff... But if you can demostrate me with an example...
Ok i'll see if I can whip something up for ya, you want it to be able to define how many objects there are and where they are placed, from the INI file right??
I just want this :
NumberObjs = 2
Obj1X= 3
Obj1Y = 5
Obj2X = 6
Obj2Y = 7
I don't really get INI object...
I want something like :
Read line X
Read next line
Not groups stuff... But if you can demostrate me with an example...
Currently there are 3 options for levels in a game :
1) Different layouts
2) Arrays
3) Built in Save/Load
But I have to create a save file not too complex and not too simple. I have different objects on playfield and 3, 4 global variables. Is there any way I can save all to a text file like this?
2 // number objects var1 // global var 1 var2 // global val 2 obj1x // *** obj1y obj2x obj2y[/code:5i6cqax7] *** = Construct reads the first line (2) and after reading the global variables it does a Repeat loop with (2 * 2). In fact, the repeat loop should work like this : [code:5i6cqax7]read line 1 -> put in variable 1 NEXT LINE read line 2 -> put in variable 2 spawn object at var1 var2 NEXT LINE - REPEAT[/code:5i6cqax7]
Theme Hospital... memories!
That game is awesome, I still played it 1 year ago.
Are you making the remake with c++ or Construct?
If you need a logo or something, I can always try to make it
<img src="http://upload.namelezz.net/downloader.php?file=5268250_Ihasashuvel.png">
> We are not monkeys => evolution is false > > We can't explain everything => god exists > WRONG
> We are not monkeys => evolution is false
> We can't explain everything => god exists
Evolution is just a theory. You have no proof, we have faith.
We can't explain everything => god doesn't exist[/code:3jhj2vr1] WRONG
http://www.quotecats.com/what/congaline.cap tada! The key is the function object and forget picking, whenever you get into picking troubles this is your friend.
The key is the function object and forget picking, whenever you get into picking troubles this is your friend.
Is there any way of making them stop when they collide (queue behind the leader without overlapping) ?
If yes, can you show an example plz?
These are really good suggestions. I hope we can see them before 1.0