Steely's Forum Posts

  • Any one?

    How much gameplay?

    How much to sell the game for?

  • Thanks Sagal

  • I'm not joking and its pretty easy to make exept the content its the hardest part, but my code needs only content now, grapics and animations, but I like to know, how far to go with the content because the cost of content cost so much time and money, how many hours of gameplay I have to make my gameworlds? and for how much to sell the game?

    Thats my most concerns for now.

  • Hi all,

    I was wondering how many time people can spend on a singleplay game?

    I know that people at a multiplay like:World off Warcraft, people can spend years, also I know that there was never a singleplay world where you can spend so much time, but ever wondered when there is a singleplay game that can offer even 10 times bigger gameworld and gameplay as a mmorg like WOW?

    I like to know youre opinions abouth this.

    At the moment I want to make a: RPG,Adventure,Building,Crafting and online trade in one game and each world can be between 4 hours till 80+ hours large.

    I like youre opnion to know if this is a greath idea to make or not.

    Thanks in advance

  • don't have any crashes at moment, think its a stable version 0.99.97

  • Thanks Arima,

    I need famelies only to spaw and destroy them without to destroy them all at ones where I can think of now.

  • How can you use famelies bug free?

    Have read many topics that using famelies can be buggy and never can't be solved in C1, but I believe that its only buggy in certain ways, but I like to know what way's are save to use famelies.

    Any one that can explain me how I can use famelies without risk?

    I really need this option, hope for some advice

  • I notice this problem when I change the code from magic cam to advance camera because a friend told me that magic cam was bugy(he can be wrong ofcourse) and i did not want to take any risk and blind believe it and change all back to advance camera and then notice bugs, this part of code I changed a few months ago with magic cam and did not notice bugs but I where thinking that I maybe never tested it so serieus (now I think and hope that my friend was wrong but), so now I know you notice that this bug was in Advance Camera and is solved in Magic Cam and it's no risk you know to use Magic Cam right? I dont wanna spoil my game project with strange bugs ay, when my game is finish I let ya know and youre name shall be in the credits for sure:) even when I dont use the plugin:) i'm afraid I cant live without youre plugin lol so its probely in:) but i'm verry carefull to use plugins, they can be greath I know, but if they are buggy its not greath, sorry plugin guys youre greath, dont take it negative, It's only that I dont wanna take any risk to get bugs (for example: I really want to use "famelies" but I dont use it still because I have read multi times that its bugy and never can't be solved in C1, I think its only buggy when its used in a certain way but I don'y know yet what way I can use families in a save way)

    Happy game design everyone

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  • Hi all,

    I'm Steely, I wanna make my own game for over 20 years but the programming part was always my bigest problem, now that I have discovert Construct a few months ago a whole new world opens to me.

    I hope to release my first game in a couple of months

  • Here is the cap file

    If you run this cap as Runn All, everything looks fine, if you run this cap in Debug All, then it dont looks fine, camera is at different position or whatever happens

    Hope this help Linkman, to debug, youre plugin is verry importent in games and a greath effort to the community but its only greath when its stable )

    Good luck buddy

  • If I run the game in Runn all mode it seems fine but if i'm running it in debug mode there happen things I can't explane, screens that don't make sense (camera is at a total different position when I run the program in debugg mode), so i'm now because of that programming my game again without the plug in, the plugin was looking great but if any one want to make a commercial game, its at a high risk to use this plugin, sorry to say Linkman, I know you are a greath person and a greath person in the construct community and you make greath things for the community, I can mail you my cap if you want but that still dont help you I think because I have already check everything self and you know also that its really strange when you run the cap in runn all mode and debug mode you can't have never a different result, it has to be exact the same screen, but it is'nt

    At first glance the plugin is super but it really give strange bugs

  • Sorry to tell, but dont use advance or magic cam in youre game, it screw your game with bugs, thats my experience, if it was working bug free, it was a awsome pluging but sadly its not, I had no bugs in my game and the game code is pretty large, when I implented magic cam I got such strange bugs so I changed it all to Advance Camera and still got al the strange bugs, then I removed Advance Camera and I had no bugs any more, but now I need a solution to have something similair as advance camera or magic cam because if it works bug free its something you always need in your game (in my situation for sure)

    designer of magic cam, you try to make something cool but sadly it screwup my game, hoply you know how to release it soon bug free, because the way its now you only hurd designers, please dont feel upset, I only give my true opinion and hope that you can create for us a stable version

    Regards Steely

  • Great job guys, good to see that construct 0.9xxxx is still alive.

  • [quote:172ooo27]Are you choosing a random point (out of a few points) for the AI to go to? If so, look into using 'random()' which generates a random number for a variable. Then compare for each variable and if the variable equals this or that then tell the AI to go to a certain point. Something about it should be on the Construct wiki.

    I'm choosing most importent point.

    [quote:172ooo27]It also sounds like you're doing top-down view so you might try RTS Behavior to make the AI walk to where you want it to go. It is very useful.

    This is very helpful, did not know that you can use RTS behavior for this, have to experiment with this still.

    [quote:172ooo27]You can go with the random() option, but the most common ( at least that I've seen in games ), is doing like most humans do, target the closest one.

    To do this you could use pythagoras ( a^2 * b^2 = c^2 ), where a = object.X - target.X and b = object.Y - target.Y, do this to find the distance between all the targets ( on screen or whatever ) and check for which distance is the shortest. If some distances are equal, just take the first one or run the test again, considering the chances that something has moved.

    You can do that a bit easier with the Distance(x1,y1,x2,y2) expression.

    Don't know if that works in my case because its in a dungeon, I need to calculate the shortest route it really has to travel.

  • How do you make a AI Star Router?

    For example, how you make a AI that for example get a choice to go to X point, it have choice of

    go to location 1, 2 or 3.

    How you program that it can make choices? and how to calculate what way to walk?

    And how works a Lee router, how you make that with construct?

    My experience with construct is that its the most powerfull 2D game engine there is but I dont have found yet a example how to do this kinda things and i'm positive that it is posible with construct, buth i'm not a programmer.