StarvingArtist1974's Forum Posts

  • Hello.

    I added working touch controls and sound to my game that plays in my desktop browser. When I load my game on my cellphone I don't get to see the controls or hear the sounds at all. Any idea what is likely causing this?



    I added working touch controls and sound to my game that plays in my desktop browser. When I load my game on my cellphone I don't get to see the controls or hear the sounds at all. Any idea what is likely causing this?


  • I've been working on a dialogue system off YouTube video from DeltaStar Studios but can't get the code to work to save my life. I'm pasting it below. Some of the code order might be a little different because I've been trying to make it work.

    Will someone please took at it for me?

    Link to tutorial video

  • Hello everyone

    I'm very young into my game developer journey and my first attempt at making a serious first level for my first stage has become a hot mess. I've been building a large multitiered slightly maze like stage for what could eventually become a 2D platformer.

    I've been using various tutorials off of YouTube to employ different techniques, powerups, camera tricks, triggering rock falls etc. And the whole thing is just an absolute mess.

    Recently I asked for help triggering rocks to fall from the ceiling in front of the players path and although the rocks fall. They also bounce around and follow the player as he runs away.

    I'm attaching the source file for the stage and I am asking for critiques and suggestions on how to fix the stage. To make it clear I am not asking anyone to straight out fix the game for me, BUT instead lead me to resources for me to help better understand the Construct 3 engine and what is the best way to or not to do things or what it may or may not be capable of.

    One important note. The character in the game is of my own design and I did pay for an artist from fiveer to animate him for me. So, he's definitely copyrighted. He appears to be gray when in his idle state because I had to use older images of him which I haven't gotten around to recoloring. The entire stage is meant to be nothing more than a template, but I need to make sure I have a better understanding of how to properly implement things so I can eventually proceed to trying to polish it.

    All critiques and suggestions are welcome.


  • Start the timeline when the subject camera arrives.

    + Camera: On MoveTo arrived-> Play Timeline 1

    Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, the timeline event is not playing with this code.

  • How do I execute a timeline implementation as part of a cut scene?

    So, after the camera moves to (125,93)I want to play a timeline animation of a bunch of boulders falling down into that location of the scene blocking the starting point. I'm just not sure how to execute the command.

  • Thank you.

  • Hello.

    Before everyone rolls there eyes I did an pretty in-depth search for something related to this question and couldn't find what I was looking for. The closes thing I found was a thread here on these forums, that was rather old and went unanswered. I am going to try my luck anyways. You guys have been great to me. (A little sucking up never hurts.)

    I have been developing my first platform game for a while now and ran into a problem when my friends played the test the first stage. The game is an automatic runner that basically plays like' Super Mario Run.' I want to keep the playable character off to the left side of the screen when running and have the camera stay towards the right of the screen, so that the player has maximum visibility of stage to make decisions as they are coming up. Do you know if there is a way to pull this off in Construct 3? And what code would I need to do it?

    Thank you.

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  • I have a game I've been working on for a while now. I decided it would be fun to play my game on my phone at work when it's slow.

    However the touch controls option doesn't show when I try to insert a new object.

    The game Already has keyboard controls program Into it.

    Is there a way I can have both?

  • I only currently have two stages and two event sheets. And I included everything, so it must be.

    Does the layer order of the object factor in? It's on its own object layer

  • So I've completed the first level of my stage and decided to start on level 2. I am trying to implement the same springboard that launches the player into the air from level 1.

    I included the event sheet and control sheet into my new level 2. But nothing is happening. I even rewrote the code and the player won't react to the spring board. He just runs through it.

    Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong? Are there any screenshots you need me to take of the layout to further explain this problem?

    Thank you.

  • You can make the hidden item visible while debugging.

    Or check in the debugger, I showed a person here.

    How did you see that number 5 was invisible again?

  • Thanks for your response Igor. Yes you did help me before and that was a VERY helpful reply. I'm having a harder time with this one because the player doesn't die. He just hits an invisible collision and turns around. Also most of my collisions are inconsistent with the way they interact with my character. Can you tell me how where and see how the collisions are interacting?

  • I'm making an auto run side scrolling platform game where the player bounces off the walls upon contact.

    He's hitting what appears to be a hidden wall and is bouncing off. I can't for the life off me figure out what is or how to remove it.

    How can I detect this wall and remove it?


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