StarvingArtist1974's Forum Posts

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  • Looks really good! Can't wait to see it in action! Are you planning on doing a YouTube channel for updates? Could be a good way to promote interest.

  • My mistake


  • I still couldn't work out the issue in the video haha but glad it's resolved

    I just figured out you're the developer of Small Saga. What is going on with the game? Is it ever going to see the light of day? I'm sincerely looking forward to playing that game.

  • Hi.

    As a fellow newcomer to construct and game development myself I can't tell you how to fix your problem (because I'm not 100% sure on how to fix it and I don't want to complicate the problem... Or I would help. :X) What I just did to help myself and suggest you look at is the downloadable "free resources" under the education tab. There's a curriculum in there for educators complete with worksheets that really goes in depth on the functions, behaviors, loops, etc. complete with examples. I learn best from reading and it may not be what your looking for, but it's a way to learn if you choose to use it.

  • Igor

    Thank you for the wonderfully thought out and helpful reply.It is really appreciated.


  • Hello

    Sorry for the vague title, but it's a lot to explain. I'm working on a long tutorial off of YouTube. I'm at a part where I was trying to implement a function that has the knight player explode and his body parts flying in different directions upon death.(or when he hits a collision.) He instead explodes on his own after taking about four steps for a reason I can not identify. If someone could please spot the problem and explain to me what is going on that would help me immensely.

  • Fixed it. I didn't know you could just click and drag a layer up into the order you want...

    Well, thanks for your help.

  • Ah ok the tilemap. Just put it on a layer that is lower. The layers bar has a hierarchy like you would see in photoshop. Put the tilemap on a lower layer and the characters on the higher layer. If you are using spawn events for the units then make sure its not spawning at layer 0 which would be the lowest and instead pick the correct layer.

    Thanks for your help and patience.

    Unfortunately, I'm still having problems, so I decided to record a one minute screen capture. My microphone isn't working, so I suggest you mute the sound before playing the video otherwise you will hear a lot of annoying static. Please see if you can spot the problem.

  • Basically yes. That is the problem. I can't even get the players and enemies to appear over the tile map

  • Thanks for the response Lionz, but I didn't do a event sheet for the tile map. I just did a new layout. Still lost I'm afraid

  • Alright, new to the software and game design so be patient with me. I'll do my best to explain this without causing additional confusion.

    So...I'm following a YouTube tutorial. I am using the Gamelayout and eventsheet fine. I then download an asset pack for a tile background. But, I decide to add a new layout tab (page) and paint the tiles on the new layout, thinking I can combine the hero and the enemies over the painted background.

    Apparently, I'm having a hard time understanding how the layers work because I can't get them all visible on the same page, even with adding layers and moving the layers up and down AND assigning the "characters" to different layers.

    Do I have to create a new eventsheet because I added a new layout?


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  • That looks interesting. Does it play like an invisible maze game?

  • That looks interesting. Does it play like an invisible maze game?