stainsor's Forum Posts

  • simple yet addictive

  • Very nice artwork! Okay, you drew those rocks in five minutes? Cause I tried to recreate the piece you made a gif animation out of. I've been sitting here with Photoshop open for like ... uh ... we'll say about 4 and a half minutes. And I just hope people are more inclined to use it as ground rather than excrem ... uh, chocolate. Yeah, it's not supposed to look like chocolate.

    <img src="">

    (Can you teach me some of your mystical secrets to good art?)

  • I've also had thoughts about a poker hand ranking system. Each hand would be assigned a numeric value that signifies how powerful it is. Of course the advantage of this system is that you just compare two decimal numbers to see who wins. It would look something like this:

    Base Hand Value:

    70000 Straight flush

    60000 Four of a kind

    50000 Full house

    40000 Flush

    30000 Straight

    20000 Three of a kind

    10000 Two pair

    100 One pair

    0 High card

    Hand Value Modifier:

    * for most hands (high card, pair, three of a kind, straight, four of a kind, straight flush) the modifier would be equal to the highest card in the hand. ex: pair of 9s = 109

    * For two pair put the highest pair in the first two digits after the 1 and the low pair in the next two digits. ex: Aces and eights = 11408

    * Full house is similar to two pair. ex: Aces full over eights = 51408

    Kicker Value:

    We also have to rank the kicker in case two people have hands of the same value. (for example if both have a pair of threes.) Put this information in the decimal. Don't forget to use two digits for each card.

    ex: the five cards 2 2 3 5 6 rank as 102.060503

  • please add Stainsor

  • Nice writeup and nice plugin.

    By default, sounds under 3mb are cached the first time they are played. You can change this with the Cache property in XAudio2. This can mean a slight delay while a sound is loaded for the first time during a game. You can counteract this by using the Cache file or Cache directory actions to pre-load sounds in to memory at the start of your game.

    So sounds over 3mb are cached before they are played?

  • Nah, that's not a bug... there's no wall there to stop the player so the wolf has just dropped off the edge of the world .

    It's actually way below the level, falling through the void... forever

    Ahh, that makes sense. Good way to get a sneak preview of the level.

    Glad you told me, I just saw the same thing happen in another cap and was about to bug report it.

  • This is good stuff. I can definitely use this in my card game.

    I managed to fix your bug. When the troublesome buttons are clicked I set it's X position to 297. I guess the old Card2 object that was hanging around still had its old position.

  • This stuff looks great. Thanks.

    I may even try my own hand at this.

  • Okay, I was trying to create a menu using text boxes. The text box for the file menu is called "FileMenu" and the two choices in the file menu are text boxes called "FileMenu1" and "FileMenu2".

    + Mouse is over FileMenu 
       - FileMenu: Set filter to blue
       - FileMenu: Set bold: Yes 
    + On Left Clicked on FileMenu
       - FileMenu1: Make Visible
       - FileMenu2: Make Visible
    This is as far as I took it because none of it worked. Nothing happened when I hovered the mouse over the FileMenu text box and nothing happened when I clicked it.
    What gives?
  • I think I found a bug:

    run to the left (off screen)

    when you come back on screen the wolf sprite is missing

  • Ooh, just checked it out ... VERY cool.

    I am curious about why you couldn't do this in other programs. What is it about Construct that allows you to that others don't have?

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  • > reported as an attack site because "someone could upload something bad."


    Wow, that's dumb. By the same logic, the entire internet is an attack site.

    I feel deceived. I didn't know was an attack site when I registered.

  • Plus he knew I was going to be reading the thread and haven't downloaded it yet.

    I swear he's got

    powers ... just take one look at his avatar.

  • I'm advising my brother-in-law on upgrading his RAM. I've heard that pairing 2 DIMMS of equal size gives a performance boost. (i.e. 2x512 MB is better than 1x1 GB) So would 1 GB + 256 MB still be better than 2x512 MB?

  • Hey this is a perfectly good opportunity to pull out the old standby:

    "It's not a bug ... it's a feature."