Squibble's Forum Posts

  • 14 posts
  • Ok, good to know. Thank you both for taking the time to explain that to me.

  • Neither of you are being very convincing HTML5 games are safe. I'm trying to understand this. So you can't trick a child into downloading an executable file from within a game, maybe telling them it's an add-on that allows for more features, and then have a button that executes that downloaded file as described in the linked thread?

    ...but as long as Windows is kept up-to-date, you're often safe.

    A child shouldn't be admin on a computer...

    There are better things to worry about regarding children online.

    You're both making a lot of assumptions about how responsible parents are or what a child should or shouldn't have access to on personal computers and what parents should be worried about online. We can debate all of that, but I'm not really interested in those opinions. I'm just curious to know if HTML5 games are safe.

  • I came across a thread discussing running executable files from within a game and I wondering if it's even safe to let children play HTML5 games online?


  • I couldn't see the video because it doesn't work for me. I'm just brainstorming, and maybe this isn't the best way to do it, but maybe it'll spark other ideas. How about use a sprite with multiple image points to indicate where the units are suppose to stand and move the image sprite?

    Maybe you want to march your units in a wedge formation? Create a sprite in the shape of the wedge formation, place your image points within it, have your units fill those open positions. I was in the military. In real life, we would "fall in" to the formation we wanted before we moved as a unit. If you have the units march in a formation, they wouldn't overlap and it would be more realistic. If you have more units than spots in the formation, create another formation sprite for those left over. Just an idea.

  • The easiest way is to attach it with hierarchy - either manually in layout editor, or using "Player Add child" action.

    Even better! One step less and hierarchy allows for more flexibility when working with behaviors.

    +Add action in events > Shooter > Hierarchy > Add child > Choose hp_background

  • I'm thinking the pin behavior. On created pin the hp_background to shooter and then pin hp to hp_background.

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  • What I like to do is have an object (32x32) labeled "camera" and I will add a pin, tween, and scroll to behaviors to it. That way I can then tween the camera to anywhere on the canvas I want or pin it to other moving objects.

  • I'm having a hard time imagining what you are trying to do, but maybe adding a tween behavior to an object, putting everything else into a family, add the pin behavior to that family and pinning that family to the tweened object? So...

    1. Tween object 20 pixels

    2. Pin family to the tween object

    3. (if needed) Wait however long the tween takes and then Unpin objects once tween is done

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  • Just out of curiosity, why is it so important the game continues to run in the background, and why is it ok for the player to leave the game to go do something else and possibly forgetting the game is still running?

  • Hi, that wouldn't be it, it would be a crash game. Have you ever played the Aviator Casino game? It's a real-time game, so the game shouldn't pause at any time.

    I don't gamble, so crash game means something completely different to me. I think the type of game is beside the point. The issue is the game pausing when switching tabs. Since the browser won't let you run the app when in a different tab, and you don't seem to want to fake it as I suggested, then how about just give the player a warning not to switch tabs?

  • I think Tatbarao might be trying to make an idle game or one of those games that relies on timers, like maybe those dragon breeding games? I'm not smart enough to know exactly how to do it, but if the game could store the real world time when a player leaves the tab, and then compare it to the time when they return, and then make changes based on that time difference, then it would kinda be like the game didn't pause.

  • You don't have to pay for it. You can go to YouTube and search "Construct 3 inventory tutorial" and they'll walk you through making a more complexed inventory system for free.

  • I feel like whatever I respond with then the next reply will be asking me to make it.

    Isn't that to be expected since many Construct 3 users are visual learners? Visual editors attract those types of people. I'm one of them. Unless the answer is simple, a complicated written answer isn't enough. Visual learners will most likely need to see an example to learn from it.


    Here's an example. I didn't create it and I'm not sure who did. I think I got it from someone being helpful in this forum though. I think you can change it to fit your needs.


  • 14 posts