I'd just use a manual time variable for this, which you can reset at will. Just add dt every tick.
Wait a few days ;)
Scirra are busy people.
I think the current layout editor is feasible for tile-based games if you know what you are doing. What exactly are the limitations of which you speak?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Yeah. There's no need to make the staff look exactly the same.
Visually, it is possible. However you won't be having a fun time with collision.
In my opinion, it's better to be safe than sorry with a commercial game. I'm fairly sure heavily modifying something you are not allowed to use doesn't stop you from being prohibited from using it. But that's just my opinion, I'm not a lawyer ;)
Good news. But at the moment, I don't see any real way to reach a wide audience on console platforms.
Anyone else have any ideas?
Here's how I would do it.
This method doesn't need to use physics, so it's a bit simpler. Also I added a scarf ripple and wind randomness - you'll just have to try it out
I'm working on a different method. Should be finished in a bit.
Yep, nimtrix's cap is perfect, I think.
Yeah, I want to see this ;)
I see what you want. it's pretty complicated for a beginner. You'll need some sort of zone detection.
That music is great! The first part reminds me of Super Mario Galaxy.
What's wrong with the current layout editor?