spy84's Forum Posts

  • as you see my tests i posted yesterday i think that you understand that game closure has great potentials and for the moment can beat cocoonjs.maybe we should start a thread only for asking game clossure exporter inside c2.

  • so i made my test and here are the results:

    first of all my phone is vodafone smart 2. 800+ mhz armv6 processor.512 ram and 480*320 display. i have a tablet also but its not worth it to test it there cause its too powerfull even for cocoonjs and gameclossure.maybe i cant see any difference at all.

    so i open in c2 the space blaster capx and i export it twice. one with webgl on and the other with webgl off.both of them with scale inner.cause the layout of the game is higher than my screen display.

    both of cocoonjs exports load the main menu decently and the sound was ok.but when the game began the backround music theme goes off suddenly.the frames were between 2-10 when sprites in the screen were more than 4.the webgl off version was a little better but about 3-5 frames and not more.unplayable for me.

    now lets see gameclossure i download the game from the link Joannesalfa posted before.i run it and at the first time it made me worried cause the main layout dont appear correctly.no letters no tap here for game to begin blah blah blah..but i touch the screen and after 5 seconds i saw the main layout this time almost correct (with bars at the top and at the bottom) and the game begins...

    framerate i cant tell cause i was not able to see like cocoonjs (debug mode) but the game runs almost smoothly.so i imagine that the game runs about 18-25 fps even with many spites in the layout.the mines and all these stuff with massive explosions.the game runs decent and the audio was perfect.the backround music now plays behind the sound effects (not like cocoonjs)

    summary: before i run the games i run clean master and advance task killer just to be sure that no application runs with the games.

    and i noticed that after both cocoonjs games the memory my phone used was between 51-57mb.the gameclossure apk used 39mb.sorry for the huge post..

    RESULT GAMECLOSSURE WINS BY FAR...(at least based at my tests)

  • Joannesalfa thanks for the info I'll try to run both apk's in my phone (armv6) and in my tablet and I will post the results.I really spend an hour with game closure. trying to find out how the h... can export the HTML file to apk but without success. I lost the way somewhere between github(?) and command prompt.Yes I'm a noob!!so Ashley do us a favour and please try to add game closure exporter soon.pleeeease

  • Joannesalfa does your game run smoother with game closure I mean in frames or runs the same as with cocoon?did you notice a diferrence?

  • The thing is that im expecting some answers.and i would like to see answers for native exporters for 3d objects in c2,for shadows and light in c2 but no one answers.And please i know in the past these questions have answered but every week-month we have new data to analyse (unity 2d support for example).so whats the plans for c2?native exporters in the future or 3rd party wrapper and no support for the other things i metioned before til the end of 2014?whats your plans guys?

    i think we have to know what we should expecting.

  • Whiteclaws

    its not i try to reinvent the road here yes the asterisk means something and its very dissapointed.if someone asks you "i want to develop an ios app should i buy construct? because it has an asterisk in the icon idont even know what ludei is?" you will answer him "yes no problem at all ludei rocks C2 is great dont hesitate?"

    -"They are like twenty at Ludei , and they can't get it done right , you want one man to do it ?"

    -But why should i care about Ludei my friend i dont even paid them.im client of scirra.i dont care if its 1 man project.hire more people or start a kickstarter campaign to achieve it.very simple

    and its not about making a native exporter for EVERY platform ios,android,etc...the etc. is useless my friend only ios and android, stuff that every drag n drop game engine already have.gm have it stencyl 3 will have it gamesalad and multimedia fusion have it.why not c2 have it?and please dont tell me that these programs cost a lot and scirra priced cheap.i tell you again if thats the problem start a kickstarter.

    Joannesalfa and we dont know how to sail for the moment.But the ability to sail a ship makes you choose the ship you will sail.if a sailor is a rookie (as most of us are) he will choose a boat with paddles!!!if he is an experienced sailor he will choose a yacht or something at least better.and i guess that now c2 has not the engine to compare to a yacht. so your comment ok it says the truth but its pointless.we can help the rookie sailor at least with the paddles and give him a little motor.its not dificult.

    i see so much "negativity" the last week in the forum for major upgrades and always answers full of false reasons that makes me wonder...

  • Guys i wrote some things about a week ago.i asked for 3d inside construct or a different version of contsruct (c3 maybe) but i also mentionend that everytime we face problems with the exporters to ios and android the answer is ask ludei.

    Maybe Ashley is time to think again about native exports and not 3rd party solutions.i read the comments of people here and i think im in unity forum.Unfortunately i understand that many of us (including me when unity 4.3 comes up) will take another path.i dont care about the 90 euros i paid one year ago i learned a lot of things whith c2 but i dont see any future.Maybe im wrong but thats what i believe.

    Some said that unity has not the visual scripting method.That is not quite true.Unity has visual scripting methods from 3rd parties studios like playmaker, uscript, antares universe and a couple more(we have to pay for these,they are not free).Ok they seemed a lot messy and difficult than c2 visual scripting in the beginning but with practice anyone can achieve his goal.

    Ok debugger is a great tool but analysing a game and then the same game after the exporter has many problems sorry but it doesnt solve the problems at all.ludei updates are like the holidays!!it takes place every three months or so..

    Sometimes guys when you have clients its good to hear their needs and i thing that in the hierarchy of our needs the number 1 and faaaar from the second is DECENT NATIVE EXPORTERS.

    So my opinion is either to get rid from the homepage the android and ios exporters with the *asterisk*,and work for native inside c2 exporters or under the icons of android and ios exporters please write "whith ludei technology" or whatever.AND NOT at the bottom of the page with very tiny-scaled letters.Because if its my ablolute first touch with the gamedesign-development thing and see it before i buy it maybe i dont know what the asterisk really meens but in time...!rxd@#$*#$%?!

    +1 for the idea and to be visible only for the developer of the game...why not? very educational!!

    Jase you wrote : i am the only here who doesnt care about 3d in C2? with an epic photo.

    Also someone maybe says "

    i am the only one here who doesnt care about news?or sports?

    or movies?

    ok so let tv stations show only commercials..."

    ok its funny but it doesnt mean something.cause some of us care. with 3d we can do also 2.5d more easily.imagine the possibilities..im not whining cause ive got nothing else to do.i love the platform with the highs and the lows and i want to be better in every perspective.


    And as for the kickstarter?who knows maybe with the money the guys hire more people and make things faster.and i agree that 2d isn't dead and it will never died.machinarium (epic),limbo (epic^2),angry birds is the answer.

    Kyatric i respect you of your help and your knoweledge.you help us a lot with your work (tutorials,posts,examples...) but i dont say that C2 is ONLY a tool for non coders?where you read that? I said that most of us bought c2 cause is for non coders

    Ashley back in 2011 replied to another post: "Obviously if you know how to program you're going to criticise the event system. Remember we're targeting at non-coders." !!NON CODERS!!

    this is the big advantage of C2. game engine built for non-coders.

    i like to be realistic and also tell the truth even if its bitter.if i knew programming i will not even make this conversation.i'll be somewhere else. Its not bad if we continue posting to the thread after ashley answered in the first page.sometimes when you want something so bad its logic to keep asking even if you know that its difficult to change a situation.but if you continue asking maybe your pressure will take place.If you guys think that its a waste of time when we talking about our needs ok really it makes me sad.Maybe im in the wrong place from the start.

    everytime we ask for native applications: answer:if you have issues contact with ludei

    everytime we ask for 3d answer(not from scirra this time):its a 2d engine its difficult, it will kill 2d engine,we dont care about 3d, blah blah blah...

    Kickstarter is here take the decision and we will support you. if you dont get the goal, ok ill never mention 3d again in the forum.but i doubt about that it will kick(as)starter the game development.

    fawdda you got all of my support my friend but i dont see 3d in c2 for 2 years from now...

    im in the same situation my friend side scrolling shooter>blender>png>illusion of 3d

    + (1+n^(n+1)) for the kickstarter idea..

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    jayderyu you said:

    "However. Everything about gameplay is still line by line hand written. There is still no robust API to support 2d game logic. Collisions, movement, reactions, determination of landed, in air, speeds, states and everything is still line by line coded in JS or C#.

    Where C2 shines is that it already does soooooooooo much with it's Platform behaviour. It handles jump thru, collision, vectors, events so on."

    My opinion: if unity team deside to intergrate visual code i think that is 4-6 months of work to achieve it or even less time to do this.

    wizaerd i think everything is possible without any killing in the game engine. and if we are thinking about "3d will kill a 2d game engine im not sure about that.In my opinion the highest number of C2 abilities=the most of usage=most of power=ALL HAPPY. Even if many of you dont care about 3d so what? things are moving forward noone will make you use it (3d in this case)anyway if you dont care about it, but many others want it so bad.its all about evolution and progressing.and i tell you that i dont care also about mozilla firefox exporter ios and blackberry so ashley and the guys should not integrate these functions cause im not interresting about it?No!im not interresting now who knows maybe tommorow ill find it a good solution.So who knows maybe many of you start modelling in 3d and find it also handy.blender3d is awaiting to share with you all its love <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> .sorry for my english its not my native language(that sounded like im talking about .apk)

    PS. Maybe a 3d support for start to be only in desktop exporters and in time takes place everywhere.Or a total different version of construct,to keep C2 as it is for now.And why not to name it Construct 3(D)

    Aphrodite no im sure i will not laugh and im sure you will not laugh either.im totally sure that if i got an email with title construct3d i would sh*t my pants with joy..sory about that

    My opinion is that if something doesnt go forward and stays in one direction the most of times fades away.maybe you should think again about 3d support.And guys havok's "project anarchy" is free for mobile games development.Unity free edition also gives us the oportunity to make games and export them even in ios and android,blackberry etc.ok with limitations but we still can export.Unity adds 2d plugin in 4.3.A major upgrade.

    Its marketing and its all about money the reason why they do that.They want 2d also for new developers=new clients.the thing guys because its not good to telling the half truth is that many of us (i believe most of us) bought c2 because we dont know about programming.come on lets face it the 60-70% of us i believe.if we knew how to programming we will not being here.maybe i am not right but its my opinion and im talking at least for myself.

    if tommorow unity or another AAA game engine integrate block code like construct 2 or game maker i think that programs like stencyl gamesalad c2 gm,will be knocked down in a couple of months.And im sure that this scenario will take place in a couple of years.

    i just saw copperlicht game engine using webgl 3d js. why not construct..Go for it ashley and rule the world


    all good, if ashley and the rest of the team wants it in c2 i just throw an idea.i wish the program grow on and on in every aspect. I take the solution of gimp for now anyway..thanks for the talk.

  • Kastas thanks alot my friend i dont knew this method so thanks for the tip.


    I understand what you said and maybe your are right but assFlash whith his first post and evenmore whith his last post the only thing he wants to do is to throw something "smart" in the table and nothing more.

    Yes C2 is not an image editing program but i think that im in the place where you can write suggestions.to make a function like magic wand in the editor doesnt change the programs orientation its just a function that gives to whoever (me in this case) wants it a solution.i rendered last night a animation in avi of a flamethrower effect.so the avi exported as jpeg movie.and jpeg has no alpha.so it may was handy to have a function like magic wand and be able to select and delete everything behind the flame effect.80 jpegs=800kb 80pngs=>5mb or even more i dont know.

    the solution oh you want to do this ok try photoshop problem solved its very childish.So maybe you have problems with cocoonjs and ask for a perfomance boost function-solution its like i post after you an answer like "you want better fps in android? try project anarchy or unity free, problem solved."

    fassFlash if i was you mate be sure that ill find yourself dramatically bored.go n play outside leave your pc for a minute try to find a girlfriend.its healthy and it helps.best of luck