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    Using Unity for 2D just isn't worth the effort. C2 is a fantastic tool for 2D games. However, being able to use 3D models in replacement of 2D sprites would be an awesome fantastic addition. So C2 is a perfect tool for 3d rendering for 2d games.

    For those who don't know. Unity doesn't really have strong support of game behaviours. You often left to writing the game actions from the ground up. There are 3rd party tools that can help with that, but that becomes additional cost on top.

    C2 is by far of the best 2d game creation tools out there. Easily miles above Unity for 2D games. However, I really wouldn't use C2 for 3D gaming. Not because of langouage, but because the Layout system is only 2D represented. To move C2 to 3D, would require a lot of hacks and external tools.

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    Using Unity for 2D just isn't worth the effort. C2 is a fantastic tool for 2D games. However, being able to use 3D models in replacement of 2D sprites would be an awesome fantastic addition. So C2 is a perfect tool for 3d rendering for 2d games.

    For those who don't know. Unity doesn't really have strong support of game behaviours. You often left to writing the game actions from the ground up. There are 3rd party tools that can help with that, but that becomes additional cost on top.

    C2 is by far of the best 2d game creation tools out there. Easily miles above Unity for 2D games. However, I really wouldn't use C2 for 3D gaming. Not because of langouage, but because the Layout system is only 2D represented. To move C2 to 3D, would require a lot of hacks and external tools.

    who knows we may kiss the Unity a big goodbye if C2 managed to handle 3D!

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    Unity 4.3 features enhancements and new additionas specific to 2D that should make it much easier to do 2D games in it.


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    Make a plug-in.

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    There's a reason why 3d engines are more pricier. It takes a long time to create an engine that can properly render 3d objects efficiently. So if Construct 2 did have 3d, then I think the price should go up with it. Maybe the business edition could support some kind of 3d rendering?

    In my opinion the price for unity is the only thing holding me back from using it.

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    My opinion is that if something doesnt go forward and stays in one direction the most of times fades away.maybe you should think again about 3d support.And guys havok's "project anarchy" is free for mobile games development.Unity free edition also gives us the oportunity to make games and export them even in ios and android,blackberry etc.ok with limitations but we still can export.Unity adds 2d plugin in 4.3.A major upgrade.

    Its marketing and its all about money the reason why they do that.They want 2d also for new developers=new clients.the thing guys because its not good to telling the half truth is that many of us (i believe most of us) bought c2 because we dont know about programming.come on lets face it the 60-70% of us i believe.if we knew how to programming we will not being here.maybe i am not right but its my opinion and im talking at least for myself.

    if tommorow unity or another AAA game engine integrate block code like construct 2 or game maker i think that programs like stencyl gamesalad c2 gm,will be knocked down in a couple of months.And im sure that this scenario will take place in a couple of years.

    i just saw copperlicht game engine using webgl 3d js. why not construct..Go for it ashley and rule the world

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    +1 for your post

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    I would really love see 3D implemented in C2 in the future

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    spy84 - another +1 here. I started with Unity, and was learning some basic scripting, but really it was a massive additional headache. Why bother when C2 doesn't need any? So sure, if they did release 3D there is no question they would rule the roost, but I guess it's a question of time and effort required for a small team. Plus also the risk if one of the other engines removes the need for scripting around the same time.

    If any engine could handle 3D, 2D and multiplayer without scripting then really there is nothing left to ask for.

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    Unity 4.3 features enhancements and new additionas specific to 2D that should make it much easier to do 2D games in it.


    Still doesn't compare to the developement speed of C2. Yes I'm glad they are adding support for 2D. Which is awesome. I think Unity is still viable platform due to it's exporting.

    However. Everything about gameplay is still line by line hand written. There is still no robust API to support 2d game logic. Collisions, movement, reactions, determination of landed, in air, speeds, states and everything is still line by line coded in JS or C#.

    Where C2 shines is that it already does soooooooooo much with it's Platform behaviour. It handles jump thru, collision, vectors, events so on. Where a handful of lines still needed to be coded in Unity. Would equal 1 Event/Action in C2. And on top. There is no risk of syntax error and logic flow is easier to follow.

    yes though. Those who want to use Unity will be far better off now than before. Thanks for brining the attention to unity 4.3 2D features :)

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    If you think adding 3D will prevent C2 from getting more complicated, and more prone to issues, you're fooling yourselves. 3D will bring with it a whole slew of new headaches that aren't going to be easily solvable with a drag N drop event system such as this. C2 will need to add a whole new layer of complexity to deal with it, and in the long run, 2D game makers will avoid C2 because of this added level of issues. You will in effect kill the excellent 2D game engine to add something that only a few would actually use. I have no desire in 3D whatsoever, and chances are I would avoid using C2 because there is no way the 2D engine will not be affected by adding 3D capabilities.

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    If you think adding 3D will prevent C2 from getting more complicated, and more prone to issues, you're fooling yourselves. 3D will bring with it a whole slew of new headaches that aren't going to be easily solvable with a drag N drop event system such as this. C2 will need to add a whole new layer of complexity to deal with it, and in the long run, 2D game makers will avoid C2 because of this added level of issues. You will in effect kill the excellent 2D game engine to add something that only a few would actually use. I have no desire in 3D whatsoever, and chances are I would avoid using C2 because there is no way the 2D engine will not be affected by adding 3D capabilities.


    I don't agree with the part in bold, because we can't know, some says also that the event system just couldn't be effective in 2D. And it is..

    Yes, 3D is far more complex, And I think it should be dedicated to another program, which has the same event system as C2, but in 3D (if it is called Construct3D, I think i'll laugh) The event system is possible in 2D, and to see it in 3D isn't impossible, in fact, It's just matter of how it is designed:

    -how to choose the point of view, and the region seen

    -how to render objects on screen during play.(which has been done with external plugins before, so is possible)

    -how to render all of that in "layout view" (maybe a system of 2D screen(s?) representing 3D, or a full 3D interface)

    -having behaviours and event adapted with 3D (it can be also done)

    -and the important: having the user understand that, and if designed well, the user will understand, it is just a matter of simplification yet accuracy in what the program explain.

    So it can be done well, but shouldn't be in C2 itself in my opinion.

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    and in the long run, 2D game makers will avoid C2 because of this added level of issues. You will in effect kill the excellent 2D game engine to add something that only a few would actually use. I have no desire in 3D whatsoever, and chances are I would avoid using C2 because there is no way the 2D engine will not be affected by adding 3D capabilities.

    I agree 100% with that. This is one of the main reasons I chose C2 over Game Maker (that and also the pay-$200-to-export-to-that-platform bullsh*t).

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    jayderyu you said:

    "However. Everything about gameplay is still line by line hand written. There is still no robust API to support 2d game logic. Collisions, movement, reactions, determination of landed, in air, speeds, states and everything is still line by line coded in JS or C#.

    Where C2 shines is that it already does soooooooooo much with it's Platform behaviour. It handles jump thru, collision, vectors, events so on."

    My opinion: if unity team deside to intergrate visual code i think that is 4-6 months of work to achieve it or even less time to do this.

    wizaerd i think everything is possible without any killing in the game engine. and if we are thinking about "3d will kill a 2d game engine im not sure about that.In my opinion the highest number of C2 abilities=the most of usage=most of power=ALL HAPPY. Even if many of you dont care about 3d so what? things are moving forward noone will make you use it (3d in this case)anyway if you dont care about it, but many others want it so bad.its all about evolution and progressing.and i tell you that i dont care also about mozilla firefox exporter ios and blackberry so ashley and the guys should not integrate these functions cause im not interresting about it?No!im not interresting now who knows maybe tommorow ill find it a good solution.So who knows maybe many of you start modelling in 3d and find it also handy.blender3d is awaiting to share with you all its love <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> .sorry for my english its not my native language(that sounded like im talking about .apk)

    PS. Maybe a 3d support for start to be only in desktop exporters and in time takes place everywhere.Or a total different version of construct,to keep C2 as it is for now.And why not to name it Construct 3(D)

    Aphrodite no im sure i will not laugh and im sure you will not laugh either.im totally sure that if i got an email with title construct3d i would sh*t my pants with joy..sory about that

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    No doubt C2 is the best HTML5 game engine for artists with no programing background just like me! Anyway for me making C2 able to support 3D graphics using the WebGL technology with it's splendid code blocks method will be a great move and it will make Scirra more popular in the game engines market and it will put the other code-based game engines in danger.

    As a 3D Artists and indie game developers, me and my friend working on a top-down shooter game and we're modeling and rendering the levels and characters in Blender and then exporting them as a PNG's so we can use them as sprites inside of C2! we're making sure to give the illusion that the game was made in a 3D game engine but for sure it's a lot better and easier if C2 was able to render our models in real time.

    I think Scirra should launch a Kickstarter campaign so we can all support them and spread the word to make C2 the first 2D\3D code blocks based game engine.

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