i paste here the tests i made yesterday.come on guys many of you read the article but noones support the idea of gameclosure export in c2.
so i made my test and here are the results:
first of all my phone is vodafone smart 2. 800+ mhz armv6 processor.512 ram and 480*320 display. i have a tablet also but its not worth it to test it there cause its too powerfull even for cocoonjs and gameclossure.maybe i cant see any difference at all.
so i open in c2 the space blaster capx and i export it twice. one with webgl on and the other with webgl off.both of them with scale inner.cause the layout of the game is higher than my screen display.
both of cocoonjs exports load the main menu decently and the sound was ok.but when the game began the backround music theme goes off suddenly.the frames were between 2-10 when sprites in the screen were more than 4.the webgl off version was a little better but about 3-5 frames and not more.unplayable for me.
now lets see gameclossure i download the game from the link
Joannesalfa posted before.i run it and at the first time it made me worried cause the main layout dont appear correctly.no letters no tap here for game to begin blah blah blah..but i touch the screen and after 5 seconds i saw the main layout this time almost correct (with bars at the top and at the bottom) and the game begins...
framerate i cant tell cause i was not able to see like cocoonjs (debug mode) but the game runs almost smoothly.so i imagine that the game runs about 18-25 fps even with many spites in the layout.the mines and all these stuff with massive explosions.the game runs decent and the audio was perfect.the backround music now plays behind the sound effects (not like cocoonjs)
ps: before i run the games i run clean master and advance task killer just to be sure that no application runs with the games.
and i noticed that after both cocoonjs games the memory my phone used was between 51-57mb.the gameclossure apk used 39mb.sorry for the huge post..
RESULT GAMECLOSSURE WINS BY FAR...(at least based at my tests)