spongehammer's Forum Posts

  • Apply the rotate behavior to your sprite

  • Maybe this will help.. from the manual.

    Mouse expressions



    Return the position of the mouse cursor over the canvas area in the HTML page. This is (0, 0) at the top left of the canvas and goes up to the window size. It is not affected by any scrolling or scaling in the game.



    Return the position of the mouse cursor in game co-ordinates. This is (0, 0) at the top left of the layout. It changes to reflect scrolling and scaling. However, if an individual layer has been scrolled, scaled or rotated, these expressions do not take that in to account - for that case, use the layer versions below.



    Return the position of the mouse cursor in game co-ordinates, with scrolling, scaling and rotation taken in to account for the given layer. The layer can be identified either by a string of its name or its zero-based index (e.g. Mouse.X(0)).

  • R0J0hound

    Thats great ,thanks for the quick reply

  • Hi,

    i am creating an on screen keyboard to allow controller users to enter their name using the controller only. Entering normal text letters as strings is easy however i wanted to also use Ascii codes to allow the use of the space.. backspace and return keys. Similar to the Basic Chr$(13) for instance.

    How can i enter these codes into the textbox? Is there a way using CSS? Or is there an different way altogether ?


  • Maybe try the sine behavior instead.

  • I agree.. the atmosphere and graphics are great. The sounds really suit it too.

  • Nice images, thanks

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  • C2 is a victim of its own success i suppose. It has made it so easy to do complex things that we all expect everything to be easy. I guess some things can onle be simplified so far. I must admit i hope it is possible to make the multiplayer more accessible though.

  • Well they need to be on the layout at some point or you wouldnt see them. The other option is to create the objects at the start of the layout and place them where they need to be using code.

  • You would need to use node-webkit full screen for a start. You would also need software running to capture keyboard input such as control alt del or alt F4 on the pc. Also you may need to disable other keys such as the Windows key.

  • Are you refering to the fact that PMs just seem to sit in the outbox and dont show as being sent. Well they dont show on mine anyway. Hard to know whether they have gone.

  • Not looked at the multiplayer stuff yet, but i am assuming Node-webkit is supported ?

  • I wonder what the typical bandwidth requirements would actually be for a popular game.

  • i had hoped thet the minify problem when exporting my project to Node would have been fixed in this version, sadly not.

  • You could use CSS to hide the box though, spawn it and destroy it when required or move it into position from outside the visible area.