SparklingAir's Forum Posts

  • Ashley

    I begin to understand ... but is there any workaround? My project uses a massive downloading of files: sprites, texts, fonts (multiple localizations).

  • There was a period when "Use new Intel XDK format" did not work and I have a habit to create a project from scratch and add plug-ins manually. Then there was a period when "Use new Intel XDK format" worked fine, but recently IntelXDK started to swear on some third-party plugins, and I came back to the manual method. Nevertheless, Intel, in theory, should properly configure WkWebView when manually adding it. And working with *.xdk come from the Construct2 also does not give a result. And PhoneGap build too.

  • Behavior of my another project in various technologies:




    It looks like wkwebview does not switch on. Any actions happens very slowly in all my projects. I could use a stable release 239, but it can't load project files via url that is actively used in the project.

  • Ashley

    For a moment it seemed to me ... but not, unfortunately, you're wrong.

    Any variants of the builds have low performance on iOs. And ok on android.


    In this step, you remove the files that specify to use WKWebView. So you are effectively disabling WKWebView yourself.

    For the specification of plug-ins is necessary and sufficient config.xml file. I did not delete it. I removed files relating solely to configure IntelXDK project, and created them again in IntelXDK self. Besides the convenience, what's the difference where to create them?

    What about PhoneGap build which does not contain *.xdk in principle?

    By your logic, it is impossible to enable WkWebView through PhoneGap.


    Via Plugin Management add all the necessary plug-ins including WKWebView, File and Httpd

    In this step i return all information about WkWebView that is contained in *.xdk file from Construct2. This a procedure of adding plug-ins officially recommended by IntelXDK. Could you explain in more detail why the addition of WkWebView such a way must not work?


    I tried through Construct2 *.xdk file - absolutly same result.

    Opened as a bug:

  • Problem Description

    PhoneGap, Intel XDK 3759, Cordova CLI any 6.2.0 or 5.4.1, export to iOs 9 with WKWebView

    behaves like WKWebView is not present at all.

    Attach a Capx ... tycG8/view

    Description of Capx

    One layout with 8 sprites and 8 text objects.

    On layout start ->

    project file "plank1.png" is loaded into the sprites

    project file "text.txt" is loaded into the texts

    Every 2 seconds layout restarted

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Export from Construct with enabled WKWebView option
    • Opened Intel XDK projects
    • Export to iOs
    • Run in sandbox mode on iphone 6 or ipad 3 with ios 9

    Observed Result

    On every layout restart, noticeably slow loading project files

    Expected Result

    Invisibly fast loading of files like in android with standart Webview

    Affected Browsers

    • Safari: problem occurs
    • Chrome: all ok

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8.1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    241 beta

  • Hi all!

    Do preloading interstitial ad affect performance? How often to do it?

  • Hello!

    Need to launch "Add product IDs", "Request store listening" and "Restore purchases" in every layout start

    or only once during start of the app?

    There are fears that this initializations will not be fully implemented in the first layout. And the launch will be very long.

    On the other hand, run this in each layout may probably result in decreased performance. Or am I wrong?

  • What should I do to get the answer here?

    I'm writing year and a half in the Construct 2, and since the spring of 2016 i do attempts to release on iOS.

    Unsuccessfully. One technical problem is replaced by another. It extremely disappoints.

    And here don't answer.

  • hm.. I still do not understand how to load them, but I will try. Thank you redrocket!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • in two separate apps? i need two apk on one app id

  • wow..they will work simultaneously?

  • Another tests of my heavy project.

    iPad3 ios9:

    WKWebView, no WKWebView - terrible overall performance

    preview via Wi-Fi - low performance

    iPhone6 ios9:

    WKWebView, no WKWebView - very slow loading of files, admissible performance of rest things

    preview via Wi-Fi - admissible performance

    Sony Z1 Compact

    WebView - good performance

    preview via Wi-Fi - very good performance

    In general, performance in IOS (after the export ) is disgusting.

    I would like to see the official comment about what is happening and is there hope.

  • Hi!

    How to submit two apk at the same time: one with crosswalk for all around version adnroid 4,

    and one without crosswalk for android 5+ ?

  • hil

    You solved this problem?

  • Hi! HNY!

    Behavior of my another project in various technologies:




    It looks like wkwebview does not switch on. Any actions happens very slowly in all my projects. Has anyone experienced this?

    I could use a stable release 239, but it can't load project files via url that is actively used in the project.

    Hopefully this will be fixed in the upcoming stable release.