SparklingAir's Forum Posts

  • People. Please. Help.

    PhoneGap build -> iOS:

    "Request store listing" - always failed

    "Restore purchases" - ok

    "Has product" - not working for each ids

    "On purchase" - always failed for each ids

    "On consume" - succeded for consumable


    Previously, everything worked.

    Help. Please. People.

    Any ideas? Anybody.

  • People. Please. Help.

    PhoneGap build -> iOS:

    "Request store listing" - always failed

    "Restore purchases" - ok

    "Has product" - not working for each ids

    "On purchase" - always failed for each ids

    "On consume" - succeded for consumable


    Previously, everything worked.

    Help. Please. People.

  • I use this with intelXDK:

    Is there an analog for ios?

  • Man, one more thing. Even two. First, I found out that in CordovaIAP the "Request store lising" is always failed. However, I also found that this request, in general, is not needed. Throw it out, and replace it with "Restore purchases." The second point: exclude the possibility of simultaneous execution of two or more actions of this plugin, otherwise there will be crashes.

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  • I use this with intelXDK:

    Thank you! It works with cranberry iap plugin?

    Joke is that I have all worked up until now.

  • IntelXDK / Android / Alpha testing / Cranberry IAP plugin - no reactions

    Suddenly, in previosly released and normally working project have ceased to work purchases in alpha-testing mode.

    I did not observe any obvious reasons for this. Source code contains CordovaIAP in its place (and its working on ios).

    IntelXDK project contain CordovaIAP where it has always been. And I did not touch anything at all on this subject.

    My phone is set to testing google account. I not understand.

    Have any idea what it could be?

  • i use r241 and have black screen only on some devices

  • > hm... my project not contains this effects and any effects at all but

    > Intel XDK + Galaxy S3 Mini + android 4.1.2 gives black screen


    Do you also happen to have the InAppBrowser object in your game?

    If so check this out:

    You might have gotten the same error as I did

    Thank you! I'll see

  • hm... my project not contains this effects and any effects at all but

    Intel XDK + Galaxy S3 Mini + android 4.1.2 gives black screen

  • Intel XDK, Samsung s3 mini, Android 4.1.2 - black screen

  • Intel XDK Samsung s3 mini, Android 4.1.2 - black screen

  • People, how you use AdMob with iOs?

  • Eh. I specified

  • Hello!

    I use CBHash and during publishing ios app

    need i to specify that i use encryption?

  • People are spending money on those plugins when half of them seem to have problems and they do not even work, maybe it would be a good idea to consider removing them from the store.

    I agree.

    Leave a review in the store indicating their problem and evaluating them, maybe that helps.

    I bought the plugin directly from Kwon Sang Ki.

    According to the basic question: is there a workaround?