Android Crosswalk - Black Screen

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From the Asset Store
Adjusting the game screen for different resolutions (Letterbox scale)
  • Hello,

    since 1 long week i try to solve this problem in my application... without any result or right direction.

    for my application i'm using cranberry phonegap iap and admob.

    my application, exported using cordova in C2 (unminified), and in intel XDk is exported to differents platforms:

    IOS --> works correctly

    Android crosswalk --> white screen pop and then black screen for eternity

    Android --> works really really slowly, but works to the main scene, wich allow me to see 1fps... the speed up after everything is loaded then crashes.

    emulation works also well...

    can someone help me ?

  • i have sended the same bug repport to intel forums, and added this 2 screenshots, especting an answer...

    Plugins used for the app

    Supicted problem is the google plays service added automatically by admob plugin, but the problem was already present before the use of any plugin so, it may not be that point.

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  • i solved this bug finally.

    i have restarted completly the project, with a new one and copy / pasted layout by layout sprites and scripts.

    and i discovered that, i'm unable to use beam effect, florar effect + led effect on my sprite for crosswalk.

    i don't know if any other experienced this issue ?

    removing all of my effects in my game allows it to start and play normally...

    this problem doesn't appear while building with android or IOS.

  • whats beam effect, florar effect + led effect?

  • they are some cool effects you can find on the forum

  • hm... my project not contains this effects and any effects at all but

    Intel XDK + Galaxy S3 Mini + android 4.1.2 gives black screen

  • hm... my project not contains this effects and any effects at all but

    Intel XDK + Galaxy S3 Mini + android 4.1.2 gives black screen

    Do you also happen to have the InAppBrowser object in your game?

    If so check this out:

    You might have gotten the same error as I did

  • > hm... my project not contains this effects and any effects at all but

    > Intel XDK + Galaxy S3 Mini + android 4.1.2 gives black screen


    Do you also happen to have the InAppBrowser object in your game?

    If so check this out:

    You might have gotten the same error as I did

    Thank you! I'll see

  • Me too! Only on my huawey p9 lite, help please.

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