spacewarguy's Forum Posts

  • So... the question's still a little unclear. Are you asking what theme of graphics you could use, or rather what style of graphics?

    Also, I would consider a game either using "story" or "natural" would be part of the game idea itself. What kind of game is it- shoot em up, strategy etc... drag'n drop is a little general.

  • It occured to me a while back that even after about two years of using Construct, I had yet to create a platformer. So I'm working on one now. It's a Minecraft/Terraria inspired game, except in space. So... not sure how the concept is going to go, but it's a different idea anyways.

    Prototype images:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Indeed, even though there is many other choices out there, Construct still reigns supreme.

    Problem is though, I'm still trying to learn coding, and now that I'm used to Construct's visual style of scripting, I just can't understand how coding is any more preferable, besides there not being a "3D-Construct"...

  • I was randomly wondering the internet... only to find this. Not entirely sure what to make of it. It seems to actually relate more to Game Maker than Construct, but it still has support for HTML5... and the logo...

    Haven't actually tried it yet. Has anyone messed about with it before?

  • Thanks for the help guys. Glad to be back on Construct too... :P

  • Hm... I seem to have 267.85, so I'll try updating when I can. I swear I had the latest drivers though... if it's any help, when I used to work on my laptop (which had a nVidia GPU and an Intel GPU) when I ran it using the nVidia card, it had the same problem, but not when I ran it with the Intel GPU. Both had the latest drivers.

    EDIT: Ugh... updating seemed to fix the problem. God I feel like an idiot.

  • Sorry for asking a question that looks like it's been asked already a dozen times before, but I must know for certain as I haven't found a definite answer.

    Recently I sold my trusty laptop in favour of building a custom desktop. However, whenever I run Construct, it causes the images to tear. Any sort of image editing based action causes the image to become a random jumble of lines.

    Sooo... I figure it's something to do with the fact I have a nVidia GTX 560 Ti. Is there anyway at all to fix the issue? I'm just not quite ready to move to C2 yet, at least not until I finish the major game I've been working on...

  • I played the second one, it looks really good. The graphics have some real potential.

    You probably want to post in the Construct 2 creations section though, this is for Construct Classic creations. Seems more people are playing around with 2 now rather than Classic.

  • I've always thought the skins that came with Construct Classic were fine. When you're using a program like CC, you would value functionality and speed over graphics and themes. In my opinion at least.

  • Looks pretty darn awesome, and this sought of space RPG is something I've been craving to make since I started using Construct. Never could get the generation aspects right though...

    I like the HUD, very clean, but I can't help noticing on your screenshot it says Prospector II... is this meant to be a remake of the already existing Prospector rougelike, which I'm very much fond with?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • So... you mean by using a "master" object, and having each block set a image point on the "master" object? That way I they would be able to rotate while keeping the correct position, I think.

    My current way is to use a movement behaviour which is applied to each block. This works, but obviously doesn't work with rotation, so I'll give this ago. Thanks! :D

  • Hiya everybody, again...

    What would be the most efficient way of handling the movement of multiple objects together at once? I have a platformer based game where the player controls a starship made out of blocks. It's a bit like Terraria in space, I guess...

    Anyway, how could I create a system where the player could go to a command module block and then move the entire ship made of individual block objects (multiple types), even if it's just using the 8-Direciton behaviour?

  • What zenox98 means is that when you open the menu to insert an object, there is the "Wait" object under the section "Other". It's icon is of a small clock.

  • Thanks ROJOhound, those are great examples! Many thanks!

  • Hiya everyone,

    I was hoping somebody could help me with this issue I've been having, which seeing I'm not sure what the actual name is of what I'm trying to achieve, I can't give a name. So I've uploaded a picture below that might help...

    <img src="" border="0" />

    In my game, the player is able to build rooms, which is basically just a wall along the outside. This wall is created by tiles in a grid. Each tile is the same object, named Wall Tile. What I'm trying to achieve is a way to get the Wall Tile object to "detect" if it has another wall tile on each side, and therefore set it's type (in private variable) to two, and therefore setting it's animation frame to two. Similarly, Wall Tiles that detect they are on the edge somehow set their type and frame to 1.

    Could somebody help me out with discovering a way to get these Wall Tiles objects to detect which position they are in?