spacewarguy's Forum Posts

  • Hi all,

    I was hoping I could find a solution to a problem I am having with trying to create a intelligent AI. I am not sure if the RTS behavior is the way to go here.

    Basically, I am creating a top down game set in space, and I am up to creating a AI that will expand its own empire. I have everything done here, the AI will go to the planet, colonize it and then set it to their team. What I am having trouble with is how to tell the AI how to go to the closest planet to their homeworld, rather than going to a random planet in the rather large system, ending up in jumbled masses.

    Is there a way to tell the RTS behavior to go to the closest planet? What events would I need to use to do this?

    Thanks in advance

  • Thanks, this looks like exactly what I need!

  • I am still relatively new to Construct, so this question may be really stupid.

    In my game I am trying to figure out a way to create a separate layout in the game while also keeping the same state in the original layout. I have a "main" layout, where the player controls his space craft in a top down view. On this layout there are planets, where I want the player to be able to land. I am not sure on how to do this.

    Originally I created a separate layout on which the player can fly about on the planet. This is fine, as having the same object "Game Controller" on every layout (same object) means I can have private variables stay the same between each layout. But when I set the planet layout to go back to the main layout, obviously the main layout resets to its original state. Is there any way I can freeze the main layout while the second layout is opened?

    I experimented with the Layout object, having a layout open in a separate windows or over the top of the main layout, and with this I could pause the main layout as well. But, this causes problems as buttons do not work on the new layout and scrolling does not occur. I don't know if I am doing something wrong or the layout object isn't the way to go

    Any help would be greatly appreciated

  • Thanks, and yes, the ships are based off of Star Trek.

    I drew them on my iPhone, so they were not going to be permanent. I was going to create my own style of ships for the game, but I'm not much of an artist.

    Pixel Explorer is based off of Star Control and The Ur-Quan Masters. Turning out to be a little more complex than I thought

  • Two games I have been working on, mainly as tests to utalise certain aspects of Construct I had never bothered about before. Star Combat Simulator will be a top down space ship combat game, with heavy focus on managing parts of your ship and weapons.

    <img src="">

    Pixel Explorer is also a game set in space, but with less focus on combat. The game will generate a random universe in which the player can fly his human craft to. The player can mine different minerals, capture lifeforms and commence diplomacy with alien races. Combat is not a heavy focus here. There is a lack of HUD at the moment, but beleive me, the game looks far better in motion, I am experimenting with 3D backrounds, planets, asteroids etc.

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    Work on both games are coming along, tell me what you think

  • I am not a very advanced user of Construct, so this may or may not be a stupid question.

    I am making a top down shooter where the player fights through armies of soldiers. Problem is, the player is going to die a lot. I am having trouble with respawning however. So far, I have set it once you die to go to another layout, saying you die etc., and then another button goes back to the game layout where the player has another go at the level.

    Problem is, even though the layout seems to restart, certain events seem to not work. Events that are set to happen every couple of milliseconds do not work. For example, the players shield and weapon energy, which go up every certain amount of time, simply do not anymore.

    Why is this so? Can I fix this, or is there a better way to restart the layout/level? Help would be greatly appreciated!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Try and ignore the bad name of the game, TEMS was going to be a series of games I was creating but it didnt really turn... out.

    Battle Pong is based on the Pong template that comes with Construct, but set in space. Instead of simple bats, the bats are now large mother ships defelcting the incoming ball. Of course, there is a twist.

    As well as concentrating on the ball, the player must also use the score gained by keeping the ball out of your side and into the other players side to build ships that fly around in the middle of the field. There are your miners, that collect the spawning cargo littered around the map, which boost your score, and there are battleships that attack your opponents ships.

    Overall, the aim of the game is to aquire 10,000 points and win the game!

    The only problem I am still trying to fix is that once a player has built his max amount of ships, the other player has a large amount of difficulty fighting back, if it is even possible. Also, there is no AI yet, so you can only play against another player.

    Instructions in download.

    Download Link:

  • This is a little project I am working on. It generates a random shaped spacecraft. This right now really shows the inside of the space craft and its rooms, rather than the outside. I am not sure if it is possible to put a "lid" on the 3D box object.

    Next time I am adding inside objects, and things like turrets and boosters, that kind of stuff. One day I hope to make a game out of this. I realize that with the right texture, this would make a rather convincing randomised house.

    Download Link:

  • I am a begginner to game design and the like, and I am still learning code/script etc, but I found with Constuct I could make the games I wanted to make without complex code.

    So, I am creating a game called Space Conquest. The game is a top down arcade shoot em up set in a giant universe consisting of many races each fighting or trading with each other to conquer the galaxy. And it won't be like other sandbox space games either, say goodbye to scripted events and never changing galaxy. Once the game is finished races will send attacks to each others planets to conquer them. And they WILL conquer them. The player sits in the middle of the chaos, joing forces and, this will be a main feature, creating his own fleet and empire to conquer the universe by whatever means possible.

    The game is nowhere near finshed, but I minigame style version can be found at the games website:

    I have already began working on the main version and already I have two races at each others throats. I haven't uploaded it yet though, but soon I shall. It isn't a proffesional game, so dont expect any facny 3D graphics or effects... yet.

    UPDATE: Ok, ok, I see the other games made with Construct and I know my game has really low quality and polish, but one day it will be better.