spacewarguy's Forum Posts

  • Well... it should. But I'm having the problem of the canvas only actually "grabbing" the screen size. In other words, if you try and create a much bigger terrain than the screen size the canvas will still only grab the texture of the screen size. Uh... I hope that made sense...

    Basically, if the layout was 5000x480, and the screen size was only 1024x768, the canvas would only end up grabbing 1024x768 of the terrain, and the rest would delete itself. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, there's got to be some way to increase the canvas size. Anyone know how?

  • Yes, it's another one. Except this ones a little different. I don't (yet) know much about arrays, or things such as that, but I wanted to create a sort of terrain generator that created a random terrain for a side scrolling "survival game". So I created the most simple one I could think of.

    This is created only with a single "rock" object, with ten image points on random spots, and each rock at the beginning of the layout spawns another rock at a random angle and image point, which in turns spawns another rock etc... until 4 seconds, and each rock stops spawning more rocks, and the "terrain" is complete. After that, the rocks are pasted onto a canvas object and deleted, which makes the game run far faster than having hundreds of rock objects on the screen.

    <img src="">

    I know its not as fancy or good as the other countless generators on this forum, but I thought it worked OK and it works well anyway for the game I'm building. It's also not very efficient, but, tell me what you think!


  • toralord, you're a genius! It definitely works better now, although sometimes they seem to "break through" and overlap the pirate...? Never mind, I'll fix that somehow.

    The last thing I'm having issues with is when the Bounty Hunter ships actually fire, the subevent under event 85? Only one seems to fire at a time, but I have set up the "For each BOUNTYHUNTERfrigate" condition.

  • No, don't let my game put you off! I'm still very much a beginner at Construct, and so my game most likely has many glitchy events that stop the whole thing from working. Also, I think a lot of my concepts need redoing anyway. By the sound of it, you definitely could do a lot better job than me...

    Is there anybody else out there that might be able to help me with this issue? I'm desperate to fix it as it's a game I have been working on for many months now, and it would really sting to have to cancel it or have to rework everything.

    EDIT: OK, after even more chopping out events to see what was the issue, I'm pretty sure it isn't families or LOS that's causing the problem. I've noticed that only a single "bounty hunter" ship on the map will carry out the correct events, (only one shoots and stops), and it seems random which one it is that does this. Is there a way I can make each object work independently when there is more that one instance of the object on the map?

  • Hmmm... the fighter controls were also an issue from awhile back, and still are... the fighters themselves are simply a bullet+turret behavior, and they work. It just seemed to be the actual ships that should launch them, as they often failed to launch them at all (the pirates work, not the alliance though :\). I could use that same combination in the Bounty Hunters, except that it doesn't create very realistic movement, and I wanted a more "capital ship" feel to it.

    My theory is that Construct gets mixed up with multiple instances of objects. For example, when I was trying to perfect the fighter spawning AI, often when a single Alliance family member becomes in LOS of a Pirate, every single Alliance ship on the map would spawn fighters instead of the one. Whats annoying though is that the Pirates work correctly, and yet the Alliance doesn't, but I've got both events set up identically!

    And yes, I was going to use Drop Box, but I haven't got around to setting it up yet...

  • Hi,

    I've posted this awhile ago as well, but I wasn't able to find a permanent solution or the cause of the problem. Basically, I've been making a open world space game, in which there is a couple of factions battling for control of the galaxy. The problem I'm having is that objects (ships) seem to ignore certain events, and it seems more common when the LOS events take place, and when I try to use families instead of individual objects.

    What I want is for the "Bounty Hunter" craft (BOUNTYHUNTERfrigate) to automatically chase down the closest pirate craft (pirates and bounty hunter craft spawn on non owned planets randomly). There is three types of pirate craft (corvette, frigate, battleship), and I've grouped them into a family, so I could just use one set of events for the whole lot instead of one for each object. After the Bounty Hunter craft comes into range (I'm using the Line of Sight behavior) of any in the Pirate family of objects, it should stop (deactivate RTS movement) and every 300+random(300) seconds spawn a laser, which is then angled towards the closest pirate. After the pirate craft is destroyed, chase another. Unfortunately, this doesn't happen. Sometimes the Bounty Hunter craft do what they are meant to, but most of the time they either completely stop permanently, or just continue moving towards the pirate ship, not firing or stopping. I think they are completely ignoring the "Deactivate RTS Movement" when "Has LOS to Pirates" event.

    Could somebody please go through the CAP, and check the last two groups of events? Does the problem lie within using Families or the LOS behavior? If so, what else could I use to control the bounty hunter craft the same way (chase, stop, shoot, destroy, move on...)? Please help!

    CAP: (3MB, r.1.2)

    Note: Sorry for it being such a big CAP, and it's kind of complex as well... thanks in advance to anybody who could help!

  • I like the idea, good work! On the issue with the stats not working after you restart the game, I believe that it is the transitions (fade) that seems to mess them up. I don't know if it will help you or not, but eliminating the fade transition between layouts should fix the issue.

    If you still want a fade between lay outs, try using the panel object and set it to plain black. Give it a fade behavior and set the events to progress to the next layout on fade out finished.

  • In what way did you want to alter the texture, or do you mean to apply a new texture to an object?

  • Aha! Works like a charm. Thanks for the help!

  • Thanks for the help. All of your tutorials and examples are also greatly appreciated!

  • Here's a link to the game. I only started building it this morning, so it's a little rough... ... marine.cap

    I know this is a little off topic, but if you do go through the cap I was wondering if you could give me some feedback on whether it's any good...?

    EDIT: Oh, and I just quickly drew the textures on the image editor. I didn't want anything complex, just a basic pattern that wouldn't look too distorted if I stretched the object. I'm not sure though now that the 3D box option is best for a wall anymore...

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  • Hmmm... that does make the "front" texture render, but know the other sides seem to flicker as I move the character about, from black to transparent to it's original texture. Could this be an issue with my computers lack of memory? I'm running on a laptop...

  • I'm not sure if this is just a limitation sort of thing or something to do with my computer, but the 3D box object's "front" texture seems to not appear during the run time. Is there a way to fix this?

    Also, the 3D model object, although I don't really plan to use it, seems to be see through in some areas when I put a texture on. I'm not a modeller, so I'm probably missing something obvious here...

  • Hey, that's actually really good! Really gives the sensation that the camera is rotating through a 3D scene! It would work well as a screensaver indeed.

  • Thanks, it's good to know that people play and like my games!