spacedoubt's Forum Posts

  • You just need a place to store your capxs? not actual exported games?

    If so, then any of those services should be fine for your purposes.

    You used to could run exported html games from drive and dropbox, but that has changed recently.

  • Thank you Ashley I had read that tutorial and had just gotten to where I had confused myself.

    I finally sort of understood it, and the way you just explained nails it down for me.


  • This is probably where litetween comes in handy. heh..

    Quickest way that comes to mind:


  • I understand that C2 behaviors automatically use dt

    so if I'm using a behavior to set something, say

    every tick

    set sprite1.bullet.angleofmotion to sprite2.angle

    do I use dt?

    and while I'm at it, what about something like this:

    rotate sprite1 ( degrees toward (sprite2.x, sprite2.y)?

    As I'm looking at this, I'm thinking yes, but I could use a little clarification.

    EDIT: upon trying some of this out, some of it just doesn't look right.

    I think what I really need to know is when NOT to use dt?

  • well.. here it is..


    hold p to pixellate!

  • I'll make ya one..

    what are you using it for?

    or at least, can you tell me the minimum and maximum values for the pixellate size?

    Hey, codah to lerp, I'm still gonna have to use a variable, right? Is there any other way to get the effect parameter into the lerp expression?

  • codah I saw your litetween endorsement coming a mile away on this one. haha.

    you could also use a variable that you set the parameter to

    and have that variable add to itself while the key is down.

  • Funny, you'd say that codah I finally accomplished what I wanted by taking a different route entirely.

    No picking involved! (though I was never actually using noses)

    Game idea: "Pick 'em and eat 'em!"

    What..? It's about fruit...

  • Haha! It really is brilliant. Every time it happens, I can't help but think I deserve it...

  • I had a feeling you were going to say that..

    Still a couple weeks before I'll be able to get the license.

    Sad, I know.

    I don't suppose there's any fairly simple way to pull this off without families? I'm guessing not.

    (started coming up with some pretty overly complex ways, heh)

    Good read, though, codah

    I'll be ready when the time comes!

    Thanks, guys!

  • I'm having a little instance picking confusion. I know there's a lot of stuff about it around here, but I've read so much of it, I've just gotten myself confused. (good chance I've seen the answer and just didn't recognize it)

    Let's say I want to know if one nose is right above another, something like:

    If nose is overlapping nose at offset (0, -50)

    No problem. now next, I want to do some other comparisons in sub-events (or not?) with these two noses, something like:

    if the first nose.x < the second nose.x

    but there are many other nose instances, so they could be any random number uids and such.

    how do I know and use exactly which two noses I'm dealing with?

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  • Thank you, I finally did figure that out along with some other interesting things about bezier curves and qarp. At this point, I've got things so messed up, none of it's even any useful to me anymore. ha!

  • I hadn't tried it. I was thinking set color would do it, but now I see what ya mean.. Tint doesn't work? maybe try playing with the blend mode? I'm not really sure.

    I liked the HSL, heh. Ended up abandoning the project I was using it with. (not cause of the problem though, just cause.) So I never really got any farther than you with it.

    Let us know if you do figure it out! I'll probably need to know at some point.

  • I use a lot of formulas where say, if sprite is moving 0 speed, I want angle set to 20 and if the sprite is moving 200, i want the angle set to 360 and everything in between

    which is pretty simple. I just punch the numbers into a two point form calculator and it gives me the y= and I plug it in (angle = 1.7*speed + 20 in this example)

    which is easy enough. but let's say I want to add a curve to that line (so the angle changes slower at slower speeds and faster at faster speeds), what's the math I'm looking for? I used to know these things.. just need a reminder.


  • Thank you Arima !!!