Somebody's Forum Posts

  • I do believe it would be neat if this was disabled if the sampling is set to point or, better yet, by choice. It's not always a good thing to have.

  • Do a rough position comparison, like if X is within object size and y is below center it's probably a bottom hit, if y is within object size and X is outside it's probably a side hit?

  • mrnannings - Thanks, A desktop version is planned, but since I'm leaning more and more towards an actual product I'm not going to make one at this time.

    Currently going through a todo list and adding things to make it behave like a proper editor.

    Also, very open to sensible suggestions.

    Meanwhile, another usage scenario - sketch to object:

    Then we do a cleanup/detail run:

    And an example damage run:

  • If only C2 had decent HSV() function that produces a usable color from Hue/Saturation/Value this would be a piece of cake, but for some reason these crucial functions almost never get implemented. For CC I ended up making my own plugin that does this.

    For decent color transitions HSV (or HSL or HSB) is crucial - one way to achieve this is adding a HSL effect to your background layer and adjusting the values there (like lerping from one hue to another). Not sure about the performance hit, but it shouldn't be too bad.

  • jweickum - are you saving to dropbox or a similar cloud service? Any place that something else might be accessing the files?

  • I have been doing some research and - could this be helpful with making an efficient and correct version?

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  • It's not easy getting others to try something different if they already have tools that do the job

    This is the biggest issue with making any tools I suspect - we all have our preferences and ideas on how things should work, look, etc. If you basically make something very close to the greats of an industry that always helps, but it doesn't always work with a given project.

    This app is mega-slow on my modest home system so I might give it another go at work tomorrow.

  • So... I'm slightly unsure of what to do here - figured out the thing with the thing (heh), but am I still supposed to try and energize the hand or is something else at play here?

    Edit: Never mind. It's the cross, d'oh!

    Edit edit: It would be nice to subtly call the bubble towards you somehow.

  • Since there was no way of seeing what the game is like beyond the (intriguing) gif and screenshots I bought it for the recommended price.

    I like the presentation, the fact that there's basically no hand-holding and the gameplay things I have seen so far (about 4 of the features - I won't spoil them here) are pretty cool and well done.

    Now for some feedback:

    That warp sound effect is absurdly loud compared to all the other sounds - could it be toned down?

    Is there really no save game facilities? Or I just didn't get far enough?

    Is the character flashing between humanoid/animal forms meant to be happening all the time? Perhaps a smoother/faded way to do it would be a little more pleasant?

    Also I wish the speech of the "ghosts" could be sped up - as it was seriously lagging behind reading speed. I'm not the type to just blindly skip any cutscenes and then wonder what's happening, but when it's about half of your speed you do end up poking the keys.

    You can pick up and drop skulls while your guide is talking - is that meant to be?

    Other than that I'd say it's a cool project, rather well done and will surely play more to try and discover its mysteries. Hopefully you can fix some of the niggles and get the attention it deserves.

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  • Pretty cool, I'm also making an editor (in my sig), but quite different from yours. Will take a closer look, some ideas may be useful and/or it could be used to build a retro tileset.

    Also bought your game yesterday, should share thoughts soon. First impressions are quite positive, but there's no saving?

  • Are you serious? Just do a loop action and loopindex is l in your example.

  • R0J0hound - cool, I'll try to implement it once I finish the current batch of features. Suspect this will also greatly help with the "not just top or bottom" ZOrdering.

  • I see, I was also hoping to use it for the optimization approach, thus having a single family of sprites and pasters, but if that isn't available... hmmm... more workarounds inbound.

    Thanks for the send behind function!