Somebody's Forum Posts

  • Decrease speed and gravity by some amount on button push?

  • He actually messaged me right away about this being in response to that post, which is amazing. Unfortunately on my system all it does is make the object disappear. It also lacks the Saturation and Luminance elements, but knowing R0J0 is on it I'm sure excellent results are somewhere around the corner.

  • Basically make a sprite with a feathered hole in it and set it to always be positioned over your player. It can be fairly low res and blown up in engine.

  • San - indeed, but I also see that you and many users get these ugly scaling artifacts. Hopefully the next version can avoid that.

    There also was a question about outline and how easy or hard it would be to animate something in Spriter - this gif should provide some answers (there's a Posterization effect active on the work layer):

    So basically once you have your design it would be a piece of cake to separate the parts and export them to some animation system, for example Spriter. Besides, unlike most traditional methods here you are quite likely to get edge-friendly parts (joints) simply as a side-effect of the design process.

    I'm considering a feature where you can group tag selections and then auto-save all of them separately so exporting for use in Spriter, for example, would be a snap (without moving anything around).

  • If it's infinite does it have to be coherent? If not just randomly spawn stars and nebulae near by. And basically anything is possible, including a giant star map, you just need to plan it out.

  • Well, in that sketch it's supposed to be pre-made parts so you can just kitbash some silly creatures - freedom to go crazy being the key. There could be "serious" part kits and then some more lightweight ones just to fool around. That's not to say you cannot go crazy with the limited serious parts (heh, heh):

  • Well, why doesn't it happen in the editor then? And why it doesn't happen when subtracting? There has to be a way to make it behave properly at runtime, surely. Or, perhaps, introduce a more resource intensive non-rounded version that's actually accurate? In my case it could take half a second for what it's worth, as long as the result is accurate.

  • Thank you, ramones, confirmed as working in my full system as well. Let's ping Ashley in case he'd like to fix this for Chrome.

  • I can now add to this that strangely it adds artifacts on positive adjustments and doesn't on negative adjustments - i.e. if we add 75% to a red sprite it goes ugly as sin, but -25% looks clean and proper.

  • Hey, fisholith, interesting idea - I might look into that. Will need to see what the performance change is like, if any.

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  • Actually, C2 is capped at 60 FPS rendered.

    I read somewhere that trying to change this had catastrophic consequences, but I really wish this wasn't the case, for simpler games or, say, an editor app like mine 30 or even 15fps would be perfect. And, of course, save resources of all sorts.

  • Hillstrom - works just fine here. If your actions are just like you said - open the sprite, add a circle, that means Photoshop made a layer and thus would save as PSD per default, instead of the PNG that C2 sends its way - are you sure that wasn't the case?

    Tested on a system same as yours - W7, 64bit with Photoshop CS6 (64bit).

  • Just a little update since this is basically a worklog as well... Did some research and it seems that most of the world is still stuck with that god among resolutions, the 1366x768. So I have been reworking the UI to fit into that and use it to the fullest (screen that is):

    Half of the buttons don't work yet, but gettting ever closer for sure.

    The palette got smaller as you can now adjust color directly via keys.

    Implementing a proper zoom on the work area has been a nightmare, what with the scroll ratios (and I want to work just like photoshop, where you space-drag the canvas) so it's been sent to the very back of the todo queue.

    Coming in the future would be the stuff already mentioned as well as some sort of "standartization" of tiles - all tilesets to have 128 tiles tops and more specialized tilesets, such as "Glow", "Wheels", etc.

    I prefer all the tiles in a set to be visible at a glance, even if it makes them smaller instead of scrolling - what do you prefer?


    Any route u choose, i gladly buy it.

    I can see it!

    On a more serious note, if I do go the kickstarter route it would probably be very reasonably priced AND packed with value (perhaps link that to some reasonable stretch goals, so that everybody benefits). So far we have seen only the tech tileset, but I'd like to (time and resources provided) to make A LOT of tilesets, some of them quite different, like this (made a quick sketch):

    By combining the different parts, scales, colors, angles you could pretty much create whatever you like.

  • For me: locked all the way - most of the time a game seems interesting as long as there's something new to discover. If you can just run to the end, see what's available then the interest fades. A decent system is usually one that's based on your general improvement as a player, so not just open the next level but, for example, get stars or such and at first getting some stars for a level are enough to unlock three or so of the following levels, but slowly it progresses so that you must beat most of he starting levels perfectly to get to the end ones.

  • Savvy001 - Glad to hear you enjoy it so much, you'll like the next version even more then.

    As I move forward and add features that make it more and more like a proper editor (get around the low-res parts problem, add copy/paste, undo/redo, tilesets, multiple palettes, etc) I'm realizing this could actually be a proper product, not just a toy. Perhaps even worthy of the now popular kickstarter route.

    But that's in the future. For now let's say all content made with the version available here is yours to use as you wish except for, for example, distributing the individual tiles (parts - my original artwork) for profit. When you make something from those parts you are good to go.

    if I do make it a product it will probably be the same - creations are good to go, the parts themselves are not.

    So feel free to use it, just keep in mind it won't be available forever (but something better will be).