Mmm... I didn't C2 admin rights after installing the new release. But it worked with Photoshop with "Run as administrator" check in Photoshop.exe's properties.
I tried with C2 with "run as administrator" checked in it exe's properties and Photoshop.exe unchecked and also works.
However i tried the "run as administrator" from the right click menu and it didn't work. Only the exe's Properties "Run as administrator" seems to work. I have both directories (C2 and Photoshop) with "full control" permission enabled and still failed for photoshop but worked fine with MS Paint in any case.
So in conclusion:
If C2 or Photoshop's exe runs as admin it works. If none is checked as admin then could or couldn't work. Even if full permissions are enabled for both main directories.
In the end C2 should have the admin rights more than Photoshop as i understand it.
Marry Bill Gates and MAYBE you will eventually have admin rights as you should in an admin account with full permissions enabled everywhere. Could be a UAC problem, but as stated above it works fine now.